
I lost a car key a couple of year ago for my 2001 Ford Taurus. I still had a replacement key, but getting that key duplicated was not as a quick trip down to the locksmith. Because Ford used the Passive Anti-Theft System (PATS) programing a transponder key required both the original keys for the vehicle and a series

Awesome post, it's comments like these which keep me coming back to the comment section.

FTFA: "We will provide you a GM vehicle to drive until this issue is resolved."

From someone who is in Wisconsin, I would have to say your comment is accurate.

This is the shit that makes me want to throw things at my television when ever it lands on a 24-hour news channel. Stop it.

So you would have been ok if this was taken outside next to the dumpsters rather than in front of their sculptures in the front of the building?

Well I think you are reading far to into it, and that your skin is far far too thin.

How is this google embarrassing to apple? If I had the funds and the contacts and the time, you would better believe that I would have owned just about every phone that rolls off the line. Appreciating technology doesn't mean that you have to wall yourself in and participate in fanboyism.

Now playing

What about that poor little Viking's fan? I have always liked the black beats version, but that bloody red giant logo on the lid ruins it. Now, for the normal envy's you have the black lid (not shown in the gizmodo article) but the only 14" is the ugly beats version?

Kraft Mac & Cheese...microwaved the day after is a meal fit for kings.

My point was more that with the volt the energy is being stored in Li battery packs, vs. the conventional gas. Anytime that you store and concentrate energy you have the potential for that energy to be released in ways which you wouldnt like.

Wait, so Li-ion batteries (which pack a concentrated amount of energy) can release that energy in a violent way?

Thank you. I have drank plenty of good beer and plenty of shitty beer. If each didn't have it's place, then you wouldnt be able to buy them.

Me and a couple of friends had this business idea where we would bottle our own piss and sell it...then we realized that bud light had already cornered that market.

So, there still arent any dead people?

Sandusky killed 12 kids? I must have missed that news flash.

Yes, I wrote that post too quickly and forgot to mention that the 8 children are victims. It was oversight by me in my writing, and I appreciate that you brought it up.

RE: Penn State "In terms of damage inflicted upon both victims and a community as a whole, it's almost certainly the worst of the bunch. "

Ryan's first order of business: Stock up on Midol for Joe Mauer