
Well, it could support 1 really really fat guy, or 2 really fat people having sex.

In case anybody was curious to what it looked like. I finished a book on my kindle last night, and it tweeted that I finished it. Amazon has been trying to integrate the tweeters into the kindle for a while, so I wouldnt be surprised if there was no revenue sharing going on here.

thank you.

Hmm, I kind of like this design. However, if this is it, those corners on the back are just asking to be scratched/abused.

but there would always be the possibly that it was circulated before it was on TPB. Having the files and personal info, unless it was unreleased or could be directly tied to the break-in seems circumstantial at best.

"a purported cache of 750,000 personal information files and a draft of the fake Murdoch obit on his laptop. That's a lot of smoking guns."

Madison Mallards: Come for the Duck Blind, stay for the....well you will just be too shitfaced to care about the baseball game or leaving.

Joe Mauer playing 1st base, Cuddy pitching...sounds like a good summary for this season for the twins. Total clusterfuck across the board.

Don't like the redesign? Did you try to click the button that would return you to 'blog view,' or try just going to

"It's non-conductive so its doesn't get too hot or too cold."

Nothing is completely non-conductive

Non-conductive titanium?


If you are using them mainly on Busses/Trains/Airplanes you are really going to want noise-cancelling headphones. Even with a cheap pair, canceling out the rumbling of the plane/train/automobile will allow you to listen to your music at lower volumes and save your eardrums while being able to hear the full range of

Not sharing anything that isnt already posted on twitter...

Congratulations? If I made the statement that there was not a single case of a person who was living at the poverty level who was literate then your story would be relevant. But if you are using it to disprove my statement that there is a correlation between income and literacy you have severely failed.

approved, welcome to gizmodo

Wait, are you arguing there are no relationship between socioeconomical family status and literacy?

I assumed that footnote was referring to the corresponding single asterisk by 'Network infiltration' which they charged $0.00 for...