
logins and password hashes, they claim they are base64(sha1(password))

From the pirate bay torrent where they 'invoiced,' i think it is somewhat interesting that they only charge $10/hour for their labor rates...seems relatively cheap?

As somebody's prision girlfriend?

The peasants have no bread? Well, let them eat cake.

I was referencing the part of his comment that said "Now why in the world would I go to Detroit?"

Ah, I understand. You must be too busy with that silver spoon shoved up your ass.

So I take it you have never been to Detroit?

They gotta be cheaper than these...

No Josh Hamilton joke yet?

I worked in Japan 2 summers ago, and in the office everybody used a paper fan. It was not uncommon to see people put damp handkerchiefs around their necks to get relief. I am assuming this is a similar concept as the handkercheif?

Who the heck is Sheik Tom?

So every Windows article becomes an Apple orgy? And every Apple article becomes a Linux orgy? The OP added nothing to the discussion other than a picture of his/her awesome shoes with the commentary 'Still doesn't beat this.'

The shoes itself are not specifically hipster. Around here they are worn by that special kind of toolbox who is in the gym with MMA shorts who spends more time looking at his muscles in the mirror than actually lifting.

The problem isnt the 2 year agreement, it is the plan requirement for android/webos/blackberry so that the old grandfathered plans are stuck using old winmo equiptment.

Clearly, it is a bike without gears...try to keep up.

Out hipster that...I dare you

Congrats, a post about shoes and it took you under an hour to interject how 1337 your barefoot running shoes are.

Meh...still, I'll believe it when I see it...

Long time sprint customer (8 years) and they really pissed me off when, to get people off grandfathered plans, started charging a $10 premium data fee and requiring their simply everything plans if you wanted a new smartphone. If you wanted a new phone, you had to get off their grandfathered plans.