MrCheatachu realize that the manufacturer is also the distributor?

You so owe me $100....I'll message you my paypal info.

Congrats! looks like this thread is about to get a bit more popular...

I believe it is closer to 3/4 Oompa Loompa.

You forgot to mention Mind of Mencia

Oh, I was plenty aware of that, but allow me to remind you of 'Snookie'

I understand where you are coming from, but also remember Viacom owns MTV, which is responsible for 'Jersey Shore'

So nobody should develop for WebOS or Android because they aren't the majority of the market share?

RTM (read: Release to Manufacturing) for those who are curious to what it actually means

18.5 Gallons of coffee? Sounds about right, we are talking per week, correct?

I have been fascinated with this group, and sadly read through their entire leaked IRC logs [] which seems to point the same players as those who have all been previously fingered for being anonymous folks.

I thought that the main players in the lulzsec group were also main players in the anonymous group?

I find it impossible to clear notifications in general...well they will clear, but they come back, and they are different across the gawker sites (I have 25 when on gizmodo, 6 when I am on deadspin)

Your gun analogy is bull shit.

I think that is part of the point of Lulzsec, early on they were proud they didnt use sophisticated hacking techniques because it is a lot more embarassing that they were able to get the sony passwords using SQL injection rather than a 'highly sophisticated and coordinated attack'

I checked one of the guys names, and all of his info (and more) is listed on

I am expecting a picture similar to one shown on the closing credits of 'Hangover' or 'Hangover 2'

I am sure there isnt anything juicy in them, but still....i need to know

I sooooo want to see what:

Another tip is not to increase the amount of exercise you are doing.