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So what 'tarnishes your name' more, starting a police car on fire or crying like a little bitch during your apology?

CBC Vancouver has video footage of this Rhodes Scholar lighting the car on fire, and then yelling 'It's caught, it's gonna burn!!!'

Wait, does that mean the terrorists have already won?!

How many times are we going to have to hear that damn Coldplay song?

The only reason I brought up Mitnick was because of his notoriety. Mitnick was arrested over 10 years ago, an people still remember who he is. People are going to remember Mitnick, Geohot, Anonymous, Jon Johanson, Lulzsec, etc. They have all attracted enough media attention to gain notoriety for various reasons.

That's a very interesting suggestion. And the more I think about it, the more I have to agree with you.

This is fun to watch.

at 1:33 in the youtube video...don't you think somebody would have come along and translated that a bit gentler? was my response

I fixed with 6 more dongs

But both articles have less than 100 words...clearly, both are post makeover

From Biddle's article:

Wait, Sam Biddle wrote on some tech blog that the fees last year were $21 billion, not $3.4 billion