
This question is answered in the title and paragraph two of the article.

Most of the world underwater is worth the time.

Seeing one of these from a safe distance, preferably one that doesn't hurt or damage anything. But seeing one of these is amazing...

Impressive. I wonder if she has a hard time going through doorways, though.

The kind of person who brings a ruler and a battery to a bar is the kind of person I would make a bet with.

Having not watched GoT yet, I thought this was a Hannibal reference. It amused me on that front.

He hugged me. Totally bragging about it.

painful sensibilities

It's no "God hates Wolverine" but that's pretty good.

Yeah, but now it's in one book!

*studio ignores zack stentz and casts white people in every lead role*

To be fair. It DOES do a better job of explaining the movie than the latter.

Father was part of the group involved in the original research. Has daughter do same experiments, claims it's new, and gets media attention for her "discovery." Meanwhile, the guy who actually made the discovery is ignored. Thus fuss.

This show seems really busy. Like, too busy. Like...Spider-Man 3/Amazing Spider-Man 2 busy.

"Engagement" is the new "paradigm" - a buzzword management picked up from HR consultants — oops "talent-strategists" Management gets a set of easily remembered sound bites they can toss out and feel they're somehow in control. We don't have a management problem, the drones just aren't engaged.

Agreed. The adage "better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt" comes to mind. Whether you agree with the author's point about Hobby Lobby or not, there is no denying the article shows a shocking amount of ignorance about the law.

The United States in the only country in the world that recognizes corporations as persons.

It's that time again!!!

I will always shame people for liking things that I think are dumb. But I'm a dick like that.