Aren’t Teslas supposed to be cheap to run because EVs don’t have that oily bit that starts dead dinosaurs on fire?
Aren’t Teslas supposed to be cheap to run because EVs don’t have that oily bit that starts dead dinosaurs on fire?
Hero. That's the word you're looking for. The man is a hero.
Really??? Your response is to attack the readers after losing two beloved writers, both of which had far more to do with the success of this site than you have? If you actually give a damn, read the comments. Why is it that so many people specifically mention how good Mercedes is in their comment? What is it about her…
But being needlessly defensive is more fun. Why address an issue when it’s easier to have a burr up the ass?
If your first reaction is “Grow up” then you are missing the point. Here is an opportunity for you to step in and reassure the folks who frequent this site that while you are losing two unique voices, you have many more that are committed to continue on the tradition of what made Jalopnik great: unique and irreverent…
Honestly, I forget sometimes this is still going on.
Wake me up when this all ends.
Tell your son when I was his age in 2007, gas prices were higher than right now, and that’s not even inflation-adjusted.
To be fair, funerals are a one time expense, and you can cash out their college fund.
Bought my 2019 VW Alltrack for $22,500 brand new off the dealer lot. 2 years, 15k miles, and 117 farts into the drivers seat later, Carvana paid me $30,477 for it. 3 months later and they still haven’t resold it. I hope they have to eat a loss on it eventually.
blm took over America for an entire summer. They literally took over downtown Seattle and declared it for themselves and no one did anything. wtf are you talking about?
Chocolate Traiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin
Poor left wing extremists using sexual orientation as a weapon as if it was bad. How homophobic to use it as a weapon
It’s pretty clever really, when you consider the truckers want to end “man dates”...
These are the same people that will pay a million bucks for a misprinted stamp. So yeah, I can totally see that.
I wonder if anyone at Tesla challenges all the silly frippery and downright insane ideas like rolling stops. And if they do challenge stupid ideas, and this is what makes it through the filters, I would love to know the insanity that isn’t seeping out.
Bangers and meth
Honestly, this looks like footage of a Reno 911 sketch, he’s that blatantly doing what he should not be doing.
Omar Qazi is the asshat who riled up Elon cultists to enrage against Missy Cummings. For those that don’t know, Missy was appointed special advisor to the NHTSA for her expertise in autonomous vehicle safety. Due to the actions of the Tesla cult, she is now recused from any matters related to Tesla and the pubic loses…