
It doesn’t have to be a tank. Read all about it in my future autobiography.

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I loved CF waaaay more than I expected. I think part of it was it really allowed Jeremy to be an incompetent oaf without seeming so scripted. Plus it was really eye-opening how difficult and financially ruinous small scale farming can be.

Exactly, The longer range F150 will still be cheaper than the base rivian

The Rivian also starts at $70k, the Hummer at $100k+......

What’s your point?

Isn’t the Lightning around $20k cheaper than the Rivian too?

If you’re the type of person who reads the fine print perhaps you don’t deserve to own a Tesla.

The ultimate jab is announcing the Hummer a year or so after the Cybertruck, and releasing it to customers a good year before anyone sees the Tesla.

Hey people who don’t use our product. To make sure you aren’t being stalked by our product please download this software we made. Don’t forget to allow the program to use your location, otherwise it wont work right.

And yet, consider the case of Dealio Lockhart. Killed 3 people and seriously injured 4 others in Los Angeles while street racing on the 5. 22 years sentence.

ok I want to get this out of the way. No he did NOT ruin 4 families forever. First of all forever is a really long time and stupid shit that happened to your family 150 years ago has zero effect on you today much less shit that happened 2000, 5000, 10000 years ago. Hell shit that happened to your family 2 generations

Pretty much any law crafted to appease the media masses is a bad law. Pretty much every law named after dead kids for instance.

I’m inclined to say VW getting caught over its diesel cheating has been more impactful

The obvious choice this time of year is Die Hard, everyone’s favorite Christmas movie.”

Big Al was an all timer. Was always super nice to me as a kid. My pops was his and Mario’s chief mechanic for a while at Vels, and part of Al’s 74-77 Indy 500 crews. Some extremely 70s pics of them together (some of them from my dad’s own camera), one with a cameo from baby Al Unser Jr:

He lived into his eighties and won Indy 4 times. I’d put his life in the “win” column. RIP, Big Al.

not much sympathy for someone that is willing to take from others by force with a weapon. Do I wish them dead? No. Am I sad they are? Also no.

The issue here is that it was an ARMED carjacking and a violent crime and not just an issue of personal property theft. This is different from when a car is just boosted from a driveway or when a vehicle is taken from someone without a weapon. Car jackings with weapons often result in bad outcomes from the victims and

police chases over trivial shit should stop. “ooh look, his plate is expired, lets chase him!”, “ohh, a black guy in a fancy car”, “ooh, his taillight is out”, “ooh, he cali rolled that stop sign”...  send a ticket with the dashcam video and be done with it.

but this was a felony stop from the get go.  good reason to

“The car runs and drives, but there are a few issues that need to be ironed out”

To put things in reasonable numbers: