
Even sader: The public "Thank you everyone for the congratulations on my birthay yesterday!:D"

I do agree, dear sir.

I think you meen Pakistani Salt;)

Aaah, my good old Submarine base. Used to have some good times there, before sailing scilently northbound hunting the russkies.

You said "the trumpet of God."

Did you read the whole article before you commented? And (if so) did you understand all of it? Such things as "controlled for other variables"?

Translate: "What the HELL happened? What did it do there!?" in a typical north Norwegian accent.


This issue was adressed in a blogpost by a well known norwegian sceptic.

By tapping the "9" on his keyboard three more times the comment would have been both entertaining and closer to the real possability.


Shure 99,99999 % would often be seen as "as good as no one".

Change batteries in your calculator and try again;)

The 158 (with the 1EF ending) looks like a simpler model. I bought that because I'm thinking it might be more suitable when wearing asuit.

Soooooo..... I got so excited about this post that suddenly I have both a A168 and a 158WEA-1EF on my way.

Dry aging in your normal fridge can be done easy peasy with the right tools. I came over this, [] on The Internet and the really work great.

Thank you, Concave Dave.

There's actually two things wrong with this picture. And none of them is the willfully placed pencil on the left side. That sits there like chabby chick, rusty old wodden crate in a white scandinavian styled home.

Norwegian cats say "mjau"
