
Well done to the animators for sneaking this past Sony

This is great news for you guys

Grant has never given a shit, and genuinely doesn’t care about his career - he developed severe anxiety on stage a few years back and all but quit acting for a while.

Now playing

Gaming Historian did a great deep dive on the real story behind this:

Great Tim Minchin quote!

Sounds like it’s a SW version of this

Hoping for a remake of this

I agree with what you’re saying and the example I always fall back on is the two years they got Best Actor spectacularly wrong.

Yep realised my mistake, brain fart - I feel the point about being “due” still rings true, along with the wave of love for the film.

I’ve never seen the whole film - love the musical, never watched the film 

Yeah my brain was simply not working, same point though it’s most likely “dues” and because the film was the one they’d all latched onto.

You’re quite right, brain was not engaged at all - see previous about Curtis winning for “dues”.

Tilda Swinton is in Michael Clayton for 18 mins of a 120 mins film and got the Oscar.

Vonnegut is (obviously) my favourite author, and anything that can bring him further attention is worth while.

I’m in, for obvious reasons. 

Are these the groomers that right wing talking heads keep going on about?

Colin Firth, won for King’s Speech, should have won for A Single Man.

I 100% support his acts towards paparazzi