To be fair, maybe the AI that wrote the article didn’t watch the show?
To be fair, maybe the AI that wrote the article didn’t watch the show?
It’s for the best
Was this written by AI or is there another reason someone doesn’t want to put their name on it?
I’m in my 40s and I think Hong will bury me.
The special features on the DVD were great - they discuss how they went about creating “the future” by looking at the last decade or so of technology and fashion.
That’s a film that deserved so much more than to be on lists of best films no one saw twenty thirty (Jesus I’m old), years later.
I was getting genuinely worried for his health from his performance in Picard, until I saw him on a chat show and realised it was an acting choice.
To be fair to Stewart, his most iconic screen role is Picard and he’d be quite happy to be remembered as a gifted stage actor who brought so much joy to the world of Trek.
An incredibly charismatic, compelling and natural leading man, and chameleon like character actor.
I used to hold Horner up as an inspiration, I genuinely find the team principles in F1 to be incredibly driven and talented people, people to aspire to.
Wouldn’t know about any social media apps so will take your word.
I still can’t believe anyone goes anywhere but latest on first entry.
Smee and Hook are life goals, let’s be honest.
I’m not saying it is in its entirety.
I’m in my 40s, I love Hook, it was released at the right time for me.
There are some good movies on this list.
I love Hook - again, I was a child when it came out and it’s easily one of my favourite films from growing up.
It probably comes down to whether Rina can act I guess?