
All sewage needs an outlet. 

You mean the weed joke? 

I’ve been watching F1 since the 80s.

UK - my car went into my garage in September 2019, where it stayed, untouched and unstarted until November 2022.

Same argument can be used with Midnight Mass and whether or not it’s that sort of a show (I won’t spoil it).

America has always found the IRA palatable, they have some disgusting romanticised fantasy of “the old country”.

They kept hold of Letitia Wright despite the anti-vax, trans and homophobia, so she was never is danger of losing her job.

Shitty disease that’s going to rob someone as charismatic as him of his entire personality.

Now playing

Gaming Historian did a great doc on the story behind how Tetris was brought to the West.

True Lies is on Disney Plus in the UK

Just Matt Ryan please.

Considering the amount of time this film has been in production it’s actually amazing none of the other bits leaked.

Bold of them to make a 3:43 movie, but it was fun.

It sounds a lot like him but it’s a very generic voice that he (and many other actors) use in roles like that, it could be a lot of different people.

I’m always shocked to see Soderbergh’s name next to them

Ms Marvel was a joy to watch, and as someone from England, I really, really appreciated the amount of time they put into the horror of Partition.

Is “everyone” in the room with you now?

Here’s the thing though:

Barely tolerated?

Is the F2P mobile game bubble finally popping?