I’m up for ten hours straight of “prestige” television as anyone, but sometimes I want to sit on the couch, laugh and not think.
I’m up for ten hours straight of “prestige” television as anyone, but sometimes I want to sit on the couch, laugh and not think.
So it’s good, but old fashioned?
Here in the UK an MP said in parliament, just don’t act gay whilst you’re there.
They’ve still not let her back on Twitter, I guess Disney have a bit more control over what she can put on Instagram?
“I always would ask, ‘Bro, what do you think?’
She looks like Scar Jo in that picture.
Sadly, that's fandom in general - it all turns toxic in the end.
There was never anything legitimate about the this, the show cast a non white trans girl in a leading role, the show was produced by mostly non straight people, and the cast by and large are a group of up and coming non straight actors.
You should watch it - it’s a great show.
I really hope I haven’t peaked on Tuesday.
NPH, Luke Evans, and Lee Pace right?
He’s not that Hemsworth though - it’s like your Baldwins or your Cusacks there’s an entry point for every producer.
That he immediately signed up to a film, on top of his sting in another film promoting his upcoming performance in more films?
It’ll be James Bond, I can’t see Superman being the reason.
I’ve had similar experiences with three bears.
The show is nothing but queer representation, it’s the literal point of the show, the main characters are lesbian, gay, bi, trans, and asexual, and a token straight.
It’s been a bit of a wild ride watching the fandom for this show implode over the last week.
Slow burn?
That’s nearly every musician ever talking about an actor performing music on screen.
Shooting an American movie in England, he cast more than his fair share of aliens.