
No one booed when the native Australian with zero experience in the subject matter or culture of the film came on and put on a distracting silly accent?

Not the same, but a similar argument comes up a lot - I’m gay and I honestly don’t care when straight actors play gay if it’s not done in a mocking fashion.

For workers, a set schedule that only takes up three days can help with childcare planning, scheduling other gigs...

I’ve recently rewatched the original series and it still holds up, even if there are a few “eeesh that was a product of its time” moments with regards the use of language etc.

I’ve been really enjoying it - it has much of the same earnestness and the cast is amazing, they have massively toned down the religion so far though. 

...that’s my point - they’re happier fighting a technicality than whether or not it’s true.

I was playing Lieutenant Colonel Max Powers, who was the commanding officer of Third Battalion Special Forces Group. Now, when I personally went to Afghanistan as a young captain of the Marine Corps, I reported to Colonel Max Bowers

We are moving to dismiss the DFEH’s Complaint because the agency violated its own rules, acted in bad faith, and undermined its authority to file this lawsuit.

Literally the update to the original story here.

...guilty of taking the job despite knowledge of how Hale was treated

Oh shit, I’ve seen that and didn’t make the connection, it’s a good film.

I assume this is Gran Torino with far less trauma? 

This is the problem with the shitty way these blogs update their articles, the truth is a one paragraph update at the bottom of  a weeks old post with no mention of it here.

No, I’m not, it sounds like you have an opinion on something you’ve not read a thing on.

Guilty of what?

Rockwell’s character is pretty much how the outside world view America, and especially its police force.

Brandon Gleeson

Oliver Reed in Gladiator is a great performance. 

No you’re right, Superman has a weakness to magic, but the fact remains, even if he didn’t Johnson has “can’t lose fight” built into his contracts.

Is it not common in the US to make reservations when going out for dinner?