You don’t care because I’ve pointed out you’re wrong?
You don’t care because I’ve pointed out you’re wrong?
There was supposed to be a sequel?
Cell towers and Jay’s changing stories are both covered in Serial, I know this because I’ve only ever listened to Serial.
That was all covered in Serial though
The thing with Undisclosed is, so many people online are saying “they did a better job”, “they proved x”, “Serial missed this out”.
Silverstone is usually a great family day out - a lot of the races are, it seems with the rise in popularity, we’re getting a rise is asshole fans.
When I read those excerpts from the game the other day, I honestly couldn’t believe it was that bad.
How could you have read the review and thought that?
You sound like “technically they’re legal” is something you say often.
“OK Sean, here’s your big fight scene with Jason Statham, we’ve heard what you think about co-ordinators ruining spontaneity so we’ve told Stath to just go all out, and don’t worry, he knows you’re only acting when you say ‘No’”.
That’s insane - how long ago was this? (I fear it’s going to be a lot more recent than I hope).
Netflix seems to have gotten a lot better at this after the Stranger Things debacle a few years back.
Trust me, most of us a fucking beside ourselves with contempt with the way corporations are deciding to just shut shit down for no reason.
At least we’re all on the same page about rarity!
Nope. As an example, if you were in New York City and 31% of the population were throwing bricks at you and trying to beat you up with baseball bats,
A trend in the minority...
What counter argument, you said it best - fewer than a third of the reviews for the film are negative (making them outliers, to use your term), I’d say, in the scope of a Smith movie, that’s quite the achievement.
Yes we agree, over two thirds of the reviews are not negative.
I think he meant he likes LotR.
Certainly, my essential point is that this negative review doesn’t seem as drastically out of step with the dominant critical response as you were suggesting. It’s just a little bit worse.