Can we tig weld that shift knob to the tip of his cock and that emblem to his forehead. Or shove them both up his ass for a year.
No my son we are all special in our own special ways. There are no losers in life we are all winners.
Best design ever, I would buy a BMW just on the headlights alone. In the dark when one is behind you they look aggressive, like "get the fuck out of my way"
I got a question about this game. I see videos of people getting rob. Now the person doing the robing is checking the other other persons stuff, why does the person getting robbed do nothing. I see widows of opportunities for the victim to hurt the aggressor. Whats the point of just doing nothing, once someone takes…
Dude six months on a dating site, it has crushed my self esteem and confidence. I am just about too give up. Never had problems like this meeting women in the real world, the virtual world sucks.
Fuck that old lady, you did the right thing. Maybe if she had someone who cared about her she would not be in that situation. You should have ran over her shit just too put the icing on the go fuck yourself cake..
Obviously she is not a real New Yorker, I would have probably stomped on those fingers. That is how we are brought up here, if we feel immanent danger we go into defense/offense mode.
: D
Hold on.
Until you get your first major repair bill. It my be cheap to buy but not too maintain I promise you that.
Now I would understand if they used a valve stem remover and flattened his tires. Not that much damage just replace the valve stems and your good.
That some engine work requires the engine along with the transmission too be removed from the car. I know a guy that charges 4k just too pull the engine and trans in and out of the car. Then parts and labor for whats wrong with it. Sorry but that's a lot of money especially if it's just a tensioner that cost only…
Exactly my mom used propaganda and fear to keep us in check. Everything that was bad in the world it was the devils doing. And god is looking out for us all. Such horse shit, what did I expect from a parents that grew up with out electricity and used an out house for a bathroom and shower.
The Asian woman wears it well, not impressed with the top photo.
This will never happen in the US, someone will sue for mental anguish and not being able to work anymore because they now have PSD.
I don't know but as soon as I drink anything that is diet soda it makes me have the worst explosive diarrhea. I think it's that crap they put in it.
Actually Explosive diarrhea.