
If your on a budget and don't care about your car then this is the place for you, you can find some good deals here I have never bought my car here but I know people who have. Someone can get good reliable work done here, but I think it looks shady and would never bring my car.

They look nice in each color.

"How am I suppose to eat my cereal with out a slipper, someone get me a slipper so I can eat my cereal."

I know people are mad about this, but we must be considerate of the poor twelve year olds. These kids work sixteen hours a day seven days a week, cut theses kids some slack sleep depravation causes mistakes.

I stopped reading right after her posts, I know things were said on that show that might of upset her but can we grow up in this country and learn how to move on.

If you shut your eyes and listen to the music playing in the background, it feels like they built a porno themed room instead.

You do know that although PS 4 plays at 1080p, a 4k TV is 2160p. So how is this beneficial when the PS 4 only plays half the resolution of the 4K, there is not much of a difference between 780p to 1080p maybe the 60 FPS might help. You do know that 4K is really 2160p, 4K sounds better that 2160p I guess.

Ice cream truck great, I know my analogy was off just saying there are things that are not meant to be.

Please I have flown the Titan in GTA V, and have no trouble landing or taking off from anywhere.

Trust me you don't want to drive one I did in the mid nineties and it was like driving a bus, well I have never driven a bus but I would imagine that is how a bus drives. And the space between driver and passenger was huge, I can reach out and not be able to touch the passenger I would need another arm length and it

Gee I wonder what happened let's see,

Stop this is nothing, please next time you post bugs in some electronic gadget make sure they are pouring out of it less scary when their dead. I was doing construction years a go I was removing sheet rock from a ceiling, there were so many roaches up there it looked like a wavy brown comforter.

I saw that in the movies.

For me it's screen size I bought the first generation PSP, had it for a week and then it went in a draw only to be sold a year later. I just don't like playing games on a small screen, it takes away from the emersion you get from playing at home with a big screen. I do play games on my phone, mostly solitaire or

Because if we added tits instead of bows and lip stick. you guys will be up in arms about games being sexist. Look if you have better ideas here is an idea, go to collage that can excel in the video game industry and create shit in your image until then your stuck and get used to it.

She is from that show

"Herro Shity Wok"


In this video the guy suggest they put paper between car and wall, just to be safe as not to scratch the car. I have driven in Greece, the scariest is when you drive down a street and instead of walls being that close it's cars.

Actually in real life I would punch the bully in the face, that is how you stop a bully in real life then they learn and stop the bullying cycle. If not you punch then in the face again, one of the reason they bully is because they think they are physically stronger once you show them what's up they usually stop.