Almost didn't click on this, because I assumed it had something to do with Michael Bay.
"Murder rap", not "murder wrap". At least, not until American Horror Story: Cannibal Burritos.
Meanwhile, Miffy the Bunny sits at the bar and mutters bitterly into her drink.
I believe Mel Brooks (as the 2000-Year-Old-Man) beat you to it.
How about "Piazadora"?
Rubber band.
I think men (and I base this in part on my own life) are socialized to see human contact as adversarial until proven otherwise, and women to see it as a primary source of comfort. So, draining for men, energizing for women.
I don't need and can't afford a smartphone, so my Palm Tungsten was the perfect tool for me and my ADD. It remembered all the things I needed to do, and reminded me when to do them. It also held books and games, so I had something to focus on when I was stuck waiting for someone or something.