
Look over there!

Almost didn't click on this, because I assumed it had something to do with Michael Bay.

"Murder rap", not "murder wrap". At least, not until American Horror Story: Cannibal Burritos.

Meanwhile, Miffy the Bunny sits at the bar and mutters bitterly into her drink.

I believe Mel Brooks (as the 2000-Year-Old-Man) beat you to it.

How about "Piazadora"?

For the love of all that is good and holy, stop overlapping annotations!

No wonder you're having trouble storing your food. This fridge is tiny! You couldn't fit an entire banana in there!

Rubber band.

I think men (and I base this in part on my own life) are socialized to see human contact as adversarial until proven otherwise, and women to see it as a primary source of comfort. So, draining for men, energizing for women.

I don't need and can't afford a smartphone, so my Palm Tungsten was the perfect tool for me and my ADD. It remembered all the things I needed to do, and reminded me when to do them. It also held books and games, so I had something to focus on when I was stuck waiting for someone or something.