How many starfish did she kill?
How many starfish did she kill?
Gropes women, blatantly lies, loves Russia...
I secretly thought Mr. Kratz drew the dicks as like a wanna-be cool, edgy teacher prank for a few episodes.
Yeah, a lot of what gets called a dog whistle these days is just saying something racist without using the n-word.
I just finished the 1st season and couldn’t believe how hilarious it turned it out to be.
Dylan intentionally not putting the hair on the balls on the driveway, and then trying to use that as evidence as to why it couldn’t be him was one of my favorite jokes in the entire show
Real talk. Ming Zhang drew the dicks.
He had motive, means, opportunity and no alibi.
It was one of my favorite things I’ve ever watched, honestly
I found it really enjoyable! I’ve only heard positive things. I’d say it’s a fun, easy watch.
Peter drew the dicks, we all know how much he likes dicks.
Holy shit how did you even survive
It’s funny that the only time I see people referring to “slippery slopes” is when they are defending repugnant shit. I’ve never heard anyone say “keeping your hands to yourself is a slippery slope that will lead to women not being harrassed”. And starting off by say “I’m not defending...” is usually followed by some…
“Because if not then we are walking a fine line.”
What fine line do you imagine we’re walking here? Because I don’t really see any goddamn problem with calling out every single guy who grabs your ass. I don’t. The fact that this guy is doing so IN PHOTO SHOOTS THAT ARE LITERALLY SET UP IN ORDER TO GENERATE PUBLICITY…
Wow, this means a lot. Thank you. I have to go... um... wash my eyes. Bye.
fuuuuuuck yoooooouuuuu
So you’re saying that a woman shouldn’t call out someone for groping her unless she’s willing to call out every single other person who’s sexually assaulted/harassed/groped her? Also, why is it always on the woman to call out every instance of sleaziness?
This is my girlfriend’s favorite show, and I got into it mostly because she liked it and heard it was a good binge - we hit it on Netflix after season one ended and watched it like twice in a row. She genuinely loves it, has a Serpents t-shirt and everything and has decreed that we’re going as Jughead and Betty for…
Isn’t that one of the stories that Donny Boy Jr. told about his meeting with the Russian lawyer? (who can keep track) They were meeting for opposition research? Don Jr. does it its OK. Hillary does it she’s EEEVVVIIILLL!