Mowgli in flares

I also remember Whoopi defending him. Sigh.

Haha remember when he appeared in blackface? What an asshole!

I’ve always thought Ivanka’s use of words was compelling interest sincerely.

Surprisingly Biden has gotten a pass over the years for all his creepy inappropriate, stepping over the line bullshit. Maybe his intent was never nefarious or sexual, but I have no doubt he made people feel uncomfortable and it’s the effect that matters. I think there’s something about being on camera, onlookers

If anything sincere comes out about Obama or Carter I’m fucking done.

Also “intellectual elite.” Dan Quayle used to blow that dog whistle back in the day.

This is the favorite excuse of garbage people like Jared Leto. Just admit you’re an abusive piece of shit. A real actor doesn’t have to do this.

  • ICYMI: a tiny, brand-new firm with 2 full-time employees in Ryan Zinke’s hometown somehow landed a huge contract to help rebuild Puerto Rico’s power grid. [Washington Post]

Nescafe? That stuff isn’t fancy enough for Mr. Two Scoops.

I know. It seems to make superficial sense at first, then you try to get your head around it and wonder if she even understands what nationalism even means. Then you realize from the rest of her tweets that she’s just talking about killing all jews, blacks and muslims.

...Pretty sure that’s not a natural blonde either, given I can see her roots.

Also, when you’re young and groomed by a skilled manipulator. It’s not as easy as it seems.

You have absolutely no idea of what their relationship is, or why she would stay. I’d suggest that it is harder to leave someone when your livelihood is intertwined with theirs.

100%. I went to see Crystal Castles live for HER. I barely noticed him. She’s incredible on stage.

Weird. Read this and a second later got an email she is in town tonight. So, if you’re in San Diego, come support Alice Glass at the Observatory tonight. It’s free.

The dude is full 0f shit. Alice MADE Crystal Castles, ask anybody who ever saw them live. And he’s mad as hell these days I’m sure because no one gives a shit about CC now with the Alice wannabe he tried to replace her with. That poor girl is probably being mentally twisted up by him as we speak.

Also, not that it really matters, but the only song of theirs I’ve ever heard of features her prominently, and her singing is the only part of that song I liked.

look if i were hot enough to post pics of tea and teeth whitening paste and make a billion dollars, i would.