Mowgli in flares

And that is honestly the nicest thing anyone can say about him!

Stop trying to make him sympathetic.

I started reading and...

“...I honestly think he’s a great supporting actor.”

Fuck this delusional precious snowflake. “Oh, the mean libs don’t let me work”... BOO-FUCKING-HOO, you moron! This is your beloved free market at work: the second your idiotic antics hurt the brand and/or profitability of your employer, yes, you’re unemployable, because that’s how Capitalism works. Are you some kind

I’ve never witnessed such hatred for a man who is willing to work to make his country a better place. It is pathological- the way James Woods et al have treated Barack Obama.

Oh Lord let’s hope this doesn’t summon him. Like Angel to a Marc Jacobs thread.

1. This is good watching thanks!

Now playing

Ah, thanks for this—from someone whose rabid love for David Mitchell knows no end. Meanwhile, let’s take this opportunity to also point out that he was an effective and sharp sparring partner with a pre-frosted tips Milo Yiannopoulos on the short-lived Ten O’clock Live. Back then, he was a student contrarian writing

Your point is well-taken, but I think it’s shameful that white America has ever thought that the FBI was NOT a well-armed, well-funded army of corrupt, fascist murderers. Thousands upon thousands of innocent people have been murdered by FBI agents or their proxies. There’s no recovering from this.

As per usual, all of these people can go fuck themselves. Wow, insulting fat feminists! That sure is a burning hot take.

I was gonna type out a longer response but realized the tl;dr would just be: 99% of the internet is a fucking disgusting cesspool, so can we even be all that surprised.

I’ve never believed the Gwyneth rumors just because she was born with Hollywood connections. You don’t have to sleep with a producer for a role when your godfather is King Spielberg.

Harvey TOTALLY bought her that Oscar, though, sexual favors or not.

“I’m just a helpless old guy out of touch with the ways of the modern world.”

Murderers are typically only referred to by their 3 names AFTER they have murdered someone. They do this so every dude in America named John Rust doesn’t get bombarded with bullshit. You don’t become a murderer because people refer to you by three names. People start referring to you by three names BECAUSE you’re a

Crack dealers for twenty, because reasons.

Good. I have a complaint. That fucknut Kushner bought his way in over more deserving students.

Hey! Jane Lynch has a career, damn it!

I went through three phases in watching American Vandal:

Just on a technical level, American Vandal was incredibly well-made. I’d love to know about the work that went into getting the Nana’s Party episode right.