Mowgli in flares

Yeah? Feminists blame the beautiful, needy, aggressive young women for their affairs?

They just can’t deal with the fact they won on a technicality so everyone knows they’re losers really.

You know, I am pissed as hell that the right wing has co-opted a flag that is supposed to represent everybody. They have also co-opted such buzzwords as “patriot”, “freedom,” and “liberty”, when they are about anything but these things.

Of course the cowards who showed up in Charlottesville last weekend didn’t stayed away from a city where open carry is illegal. They don’t care about the 1st Amendment; all they want to do is intimidate people.

That’s why New York’s elite have always mocked Trump. He’s the hillbilly’s idea of a rich man. Old money New Yorkers not only don’t have gold plated penthouses, they wouldn’t step foot in one.

Trump is going to see that photo of her holding that eagle successfully and fire her for it.

Have you tried being a white male? I hear that goes over well in interviews.

When the NFL is calling you out for white supremacy you know you fucked up.

Pence has the best strategy here, probably established since before Trump took office: Lay low, be bland, don’t be noticed by ANYONE. He’s like that one person in every Settlers of Catan game: while the others are squabbling and sabotaging each other and stealing wood and sheep and busting up the Longest Road left and

Cool cool cool, so racist shitlord Bannon, who absolutely doesn’t need the money, has a job after being unemployed for hours.

As a deaf person (and engineer) who grew up with strong public schools that provided sign-language interpreters for me, I really, really want to see Betsy DeVos gone next.

God I wish Gorka would fuck off, if only because he likes to play up his British Army bullshit “oh I was in a super secret Intel unit who hunted down the IRA”.

This shit is bananas. B-A-N-N-O-N-S.

jesus fucking christ! The boyscout bullshit was this month?!?

Of the 5 men with Trump in this picture, only Pence still has his job. And that’s only because Trump can’t fire him.

No way by the point pussy grabber came about was scotch tape in the top ten. It might not have even ever been in the top ten. Maybe my remembering of the timeline is all out of whack (wack?) but didn’t that come pretty late as well? Well after (in no particular order and not comprehensive) calling Mexicans rapists,

YES. Sometimes I wake up and am surprised we still have electricity and garbage disposal.

Thank you for that. I miss the ole Benghazi acrostics of yester-Kinja.

Romney’s seems to be the most emphatic of the statements; most follow a script that avoids using Trump’s name and reiterates a mythos that positions racism and bigotry as the antithesis to American values and history.

Never forget...