
Nothing new for Nance - he called this guy “Mr. Whip”

Holy shit, if you can’t trust football coaches & Catholic priests these days who can you trust?

OH GREAT, another berth. Just what the Rivers household needs!

The real takeaway here, is that “auto gol” sounds way cooler than “own goal”.

Obviously, the racist costume in the top picture is going to get all the attention. But still, Dave Portnoy does deserve some credit for somehow showing up to a Halloween party as both Craig Sager and Ted Cruz.

NEW YORK-Asked restaurant host: “God, did you hear about Drew Magary?”

So last night while drinking too much and checking in on Drew for probably the 25th time that day, I decided to sketch a loving tribute. I use the term “sketch” loosely because I basically just ripped off (and for a good chunk of it I downright traced) the Death of Superman comic book cover. I don’t really understand


We need a older white man (not to old) with Left leaning/Centrist policies.

But its also important to remember we can chuck these shit-piss creamsicle centrist dems too in the primary. Vote for the best person to fill the office. I guarantee that right now that’s a democrat in almost all cases. But we can select better democrats to run, and that’s something we got to focus on as

He actually resigned several weeks ago, but he didn’t think he had to report it to the school.

he’ll look great in a redskins uniform.  

Ah, the famous score we see so often, 24-22

Well he is Gramátically correct

Weird that there are two other writers also named that.

well he does host Cumtown

I haven’t paid attention to it because I haven’t been affected by it.”

When you're a senator they let you do it.

Act like you’ve been there before.