
You purity police types make me sick. Do you want the Republicans to win or something? Don’t you realize they’d vote for shit like...uh...this?

Sir, I may not agree with the precise aesthetic in which you couched your expression of the same opinions I broadly hold, but I will defend to the death your right to be paid mid-six figures to say it without ever facing the approbation of college students

Whether or not I agree with you, I applaud your intellectual bravery and I salute the editors for bringing much needed diversity into our opinion section.

Did you hear him on Chapo Trap House? He had a great point about modern capitalism that is part of the film “The Boss Baby”

The Kobe thing is infuriating because sports radio hosts named her and said she deserved to lose her anonymity because she accused someone of rape. It’s also disgusting that Kobe was given a hero’s exit when he retired and everyone pretty much forgot about the rape case. Everyone also overlooks the fact that Kobe is a

Hello Jamie. Big fan of the podcast!

unless you think journalists should not attend dinner parties with people they might cover (which is insane).

Churchill Tommy Gun Society

Everyone knew Sean was doomed when finished the press conference by saying, “I’ll clear these charges. No sweat.”  

That’s how my last relationship ended.

A PAC that was formed to help candidates without much money get their name out there to jump start their campaign now only wants to support candidates that already have money. It’s not a complicated criticism. 

“Trust me, nothing good will come from meeting local kids.” - Marco Rubio

then accept the wages you’d get without them

allowing other muscles to atrophy.

I’ll believe Andrew Luck is healthy when I see him play, and maybe not even then

This is a stupid take and you should feel stupid for saying it.

So you go to hockey games and shout (even) more obviously racist shit? Cool, cool. You should be real proud of that.

Yes, when “basketball” is a stand-in for “you are black and therefore you should not be playing hockey.” It’s clearly intended to reference a racial stereotype, and deploying it to taunt and unsettle a black man makes it obviously racist as hell.

Are you kidding?