At least if you were struck by them the impact was dulled by the rubberization.
At least if you were struck by them the impact was dulled by the rubberization.
It’s a good Sci Fi book, but Banks’ writing improved tremendously as time went on. Surface Detail is fucking incredible, although I imagine the hell scenes would have to be toned down quite a fucking bit.
Whatever you say, oppressor lackey.
Billionaires are not ever victims, they’re victimizers.
It’s actually awful though. Normally your point about the diversity of its cast would be a selling point for me, but the show is so poorly written that it actually reflects poorly on the people it gives representation to.
No, it never found its footing. It had a few moments of being OK before it felt like they just gave up.
“To Apple, you’re a walking billboard when you’re using their devices,”
I hope he dyes.
He’s gonna have to sell a lot of NFT trading cards.
They should let her vote remotely if she’s going to show up in person in that hideous Harry Potter cosplay.
Fair enough. I just hate that fucker and always have.
Yes, skill at making the least punk rock garbage music to have ever claimed to be punk. He’s always been shitty and talentless.
The person who did the most to overturn Roe v Wade might be Leonard Leo. Trump basically just did what his handlers said to, as far as this went.
I wonder how much that very much authentic punk rock jacket with the huge Dead Kennedys patch cost. Definitely the type of person Jello Biafra would want making up his fanbase.
In the Hannity interview he even said that they should bring back caning on the Senate floor. Of course, as you point out above, the only time that happened was perpetrated a pro-slavery southerner.
For a second I thought this post said his name was Depepe and I was like “well that’s a little on the nose for a gamergater.”
I will reiterate here that the Duran Duran cover of “Perfect Day” on Thank You is a masterpiece.
Their cover of “Iron Man” is amazing.
Duran Duran’s cover of Lou Reed’s “Perfect Day” deserves to be on this list. Reed supposedly heard it and said something along the lines of “this was exactly what I had in mind when I wrote it.”