
My High School basketball coach was definitely a "Schiano Man", the icing on his asshole cake was when one of our teammates missed 2 games after his grandfather died & at the team banquet after the season ended he specifically highlighted those 2 games as his favorite because (quoted as best I can remember) "The team,

"I know it's 'wrong' & 'terrible' but it's a storied tradition!" -Dan Snyder

We should be able to get a clear explanation of this because it seems like the police & other party are all Deadspin commenters.

That's a whole lot of opinion, like a lot. None of which though has anything to do with countering the idea that you can't just assault someone because they were being obnoxious.

I hate to break this to you, but it's still wrong & a crime if you assault someone that's the same gender as you, even if they were mouthing off. The police wouldn't show up and say "Just two bros settling things like men. No crime here."

Didn't you know that by "mouthing off" you are giving your consent to be assaulted? It's why every time cops show up to a house on a domestic dispute/assault they immediately walk up to the man & ask "Was the bitch asking for it?", if he nods his head they spit on the woman & fine her $1,000.

Yeah, in fact teams IN SEASON routinely bring in players waived by upcoming opponents to try to get inside information, then often waive them as well.

Collinsworth then went on to say how this reminded him of "Those 1970s Buffalo Bills teams & their way of bringing in guys & setting them on the right path. No arrests, not even an argument with their wives or restaurant waiters."

He was probably going to leave for another job the night before their next game or something anyway. Now he'll have to go steal money from St. Jude's in order to rebuild his image on the college football coach market. "Lane, we'd love to have you here. It's just...well you came off as kind of a sympathetic figure

The promos for this were just awful too. I caught one last night with Elizabeth Hasselbeck that was pretty much "Hey parents want to get your kids out of your basement? They aren't unemployed because job creators are full of shit, it's because they're terrible in job interviews which we'd know somehow!"

I will never understand how intangibles became such a big part of sports media, but I guess considering they're most often attributed to players that middle-aged white sportswriters are drawn to maybe it isn't so hard to understand. I think they're important because it can encompass "the little things" that can often

It sounds crazy at first but then when I think about it, he's kinda right. Think about it, Hitler was a human being with a brain, heart, lungs, etc. The people criticizing this elephant shooting guy have brains, hearts, lungs, & etc. Sound a little familiar?

I'm still talking about that in the context of a different era. There wasn't much strategy in it beyond that they weren't among the 5 best pitchers on the team & lefty vs righty.

They'll eventually find a shortstop (more likely from free agency/trade than the draft though) that is as good if not better than Jeter, maybe not with the same intangibles but production. In order to find someone as good as Rivera they will have to be as good at closer at ages 35-43 as they were when they broke into

A friend & I actually started talking about this during Andy's last start at Yankee Stadium & he said Jeter would be the bigger deal. I disagreed not because Jeter isn't the biggest star, he's always been sort of the backbone of this "core" group of players. My reason for Rivera's farewell probably being the bigger

No kidding?

Sure hope that luxury tax break brings so much warmth & happiness to the Steinbrenner family.

He must not have been involved in the lawsuit, because surely the promise of BIG dollars from the NFL Settlement that ended concussions would've been a huge reason to keep living.

I think 13 is an okay age for that, so long as a discussion about the game's violent content is included. Not just in relation to the game, but really trying to get an idea on how they view violence in general. Not "OMG I KNOW MOM SHUTUP I'M MATURE!" shit. Her justifications, as said in post, though just come across

The torture scenes on "Lost" were more brutal than GTA V, which I don't believe the intention was to ever be anything but a showcase for Trevor's well crafted twisted humor.