GT350 I owned would scrape off loose coins off the ground and slice roadkill to Kobe beef appetizer thinness
GT350 I owned would scrape off loose coins off the ground and slice roadkill to Kobe beef appetizer thinness
Owned “standard” GT350, when cold, starting it in the morning would wake up neighbors... in Canada. (I’m in South Pensy)
Does it include seats and steering wheel, tho? Last I checked, on Porsches every stinking bolt and nut is an option... carrying “market value adjustment” dealer mark up
These are selling briskly, I hear...
Ah, yes! Favorite of pizza delivery drivers across America
But... but... how do you advertise all them military-grade trucks and whatnots? Who do you salute every 30 seconds during CFL games? Your local grannies? Wait, do you have commercials every 30 seconds during CFL games?
Cover my keyboard? Why? Oh, right... Forgot, middle schoolers are out on summer break and this is supposed to be lulzariously funneh
Please point out where I said that. For my money, I’d go with Golf R, but practical side took over. I’m going to wait a year and buy out my friend’s GT-R
Your friend got fucked. It’s artificial hype. Ford said they will make them for another year, 5k last year, 5k this year, 5k next. Maybe more. Then a GT500 will obliterate resale values some more. I sold mine because I didn’t feel I was getting my monies worth. It sucks for everyday driving because every bump scrapes…
No, no, you’re right. I don’t. :(
It doesn’t exist :-p
Oh, that one. As far as I’m concerned it doesn’t exist. People who are able to afford it can afford mark up
Who the fuck said ford GT is limited? GT350 is regular production model, except R. Fucking bullshit
Civic is downright gorgeous vs. Focus. Focus looks like a deformed pug, imo
I couldn’t get over the fact how ugly it is and that it’s still a fucking focus
It was “only” $2k for me... I had a hard time getting wholesale trade-in when I wanted to get rid of it
Unless you’re Mercedes or Range Rover, which get the Feds to strong arm enterprising capitalists that resell their clunkers to wealthy Chinese. In that case you’re being sued and faced with all kinds of legal issues for doing same flipping and scalping they aren’t ashamed of
Try Edmunds car buying service. Had few dealers offer as much as $3k under msrp
My local dealers selling RS several thousand under MSRP... And won’t stop bugging me