
You’re signing up for Pacific Coast Police?

As a side note, after seeing these body gaps on a $400K+ Ford, I think I feel little less peeved at Michael Strahan-esque gaps on my GT350

I know I wouldn’t buy a house in a neighborhood where people have such eyesores - and I love fast cars as much as anyone on this blog. The issue is not the trailer - it’s the concern that such nuisance could diminish the market for houses in that neighborhood, thereby lowering house prices. I don’t have any data to

I would write something nasty about the environment, but seeing how I daily a Wrangler and tear up back roads in GT350 on weekends, I will just STFU.

Good - this “autonomobile” fad was way overdue to be killed off anyway:

I read that as “Impala” “Citation” and had some terrible autodesign flashbacks.

I’m a baller on a budget. How many horsepowers will I lose if I order one without that CF trim? Will it drop to Corolla levels?

Now playing

Oh boy... as someone who occasionally rides with aforementioned persons, I can neither confirm nor deny this assertion.

..and likely said “sorry”

That’s rich. also, reliability tends to be slightly better in Nissans. oh, and no scummy cheatware.

Or over Camaro or Mustang

Because it’s Canadian County:

VW ad circa early 2000's:

Grease did

..or whitewalkers

Their service sucks too - don’t bother with this dealer.

“Republic of California” has a nice ring to it, I think. But sadly, short of revolution or all other states voting “yes” on it, per Texas vs. White, this is a non-starter..

Do you want some TP for all that bullshit you just spewed out? I currently own GT350 and previously owned a GT-R. GT-R is one of the easiest cars to drive, even being stuipd, and driving it under 80MPH is probably as eventful as cruising your Prius in your local Whole Foods parking lot. GT-R will let you get away with

I’ll just wait a year and buy it used with 20K miles for about $15K.