
Cool story, brozeph. You had me up until “they love Americans”.

Doug, it’s a shame you didn’t get the BMW, because neither Aston nor Rover come any close to the epic pile of automotive blog fodder you would get by owning Break My Wallet. Source: once owned a BMW. Well, “ownership” is rather loose term. I had the privilege of occasionally parking it in my driveway; rest of the time

Ох как распизделся, мумий тролль. Вовочка вам погремушкой в Сирии трусит, что бы вы не видили как он у вас деньги пиздит, пока вы флажками махаете и очко ему полируете.

An upgrade. A dickhead on poop deck.

Could be worse:

Username checks out. BTW, did you know that “Porsche” is a German for “Douche”. Fact, look it up.

2008 called, it wanted it’s old news back, bro. Hey, speaking of that... I guess porsche is awesome, until you have to take it in for maintenance after you step on the gas pedal too hard, or it rains, or you looked at it for too long.

Does Chris Evans have the most punchable face ever? I never met or heard the guy and already I just can’t bring myself to be even remotely interested, based on his looks alone. Sorry. He looks like he’s one annoying tw@t...

Ain’t trolling if it’s true.

9-1-1 is a joke:

If you can’t handle the heat, get the heck out of the kitchen! I then recommend you stay away from RR.

Range Rover should offer you with full experience, then. Just ask Doug.

Miata sounds like some kind of a contageous disease that can only be cured by Vitara.

Michael Irvin Ray Lewis

did not even have to read. british malaise era Jag? pass


can JPG be COTD?

That facial expression on your car should be called “ASTONished Martin”

And I appreciate their absence. “Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!!!” “Miata, Miata, Miata!” - oh, stfu already. We get it. Just annoying.

Car targeted at the shortest of the Lanisters. The rest of normal-sized humans have to buy 2 Miatas - one for each leg. I hear roller skates are cheaper, though.