
Could be worse - could have been targeted at “Share Natives”. You know, the ones that could be seen tweetsnapgrambooking in their ThuperFabulousCube Teatro for Dayz (…)

I don’t think there has been a truly “new” Nissan since 2002

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CF. You know - to keep the weight down.

Miata Plow

TruckNutz have not even dropped yet, son.

You’re looking at it all wrong; short AM stock, profit, buy ...AM?

YOUR comment shows YOU’RE smug joke.

You should also check out Morrisey and Talking Heads for extra load of WTF material. Some things are better unseen.. and unheard. This band is one of them. Their scheduled set list should consist only of John Cage’s 4’33 to redeem themselves.


They didn’t get to be the only candy shop in the area by being averse with discounts. I can feel their disapproving looks through that Lambo-adorned window every time I’m smuggling booze from Roger Wilco begrudgingly mumbling “one day... one day... you will kiss my money-smelling behind!”. And then my friend Johny

Magic leg spreading levers... with a right kind of girl. If you know what I mean.

When Nissan Pulsar loves Pontiac Firebird very much...

Is that... that... David Spade? Where’s Tommy boy?

In Philadelphia, it’s worth fifty bucks.

Four of these rims = 1 Nissan GT-R. Recommended replacement - after every spirited trip to your local golf course.

Don’t worry - your sis has been trained by now and can handle stick like nobody’s business.

Now, this dude is the one that should be rockin DTF 420 license plate.... and getting back to work - that Papa John’s crap pie ain’t delivering itself.

Nuke it from the orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.

dat Mazda face be like...