
Yup, I can confirm this genetic "feature/defect" (whichever way you decide to look at it). When I lived in Kiev, we had this monstrosity of a fire watch tower (pictured) standing about 120 ft tall. We were about 13, when bunch of us climbed up on it and one of our more brave friends not only dangled outside of the

Molly Ringwald explained it best in "not another teen movie" thusly:

Did anyone bother to question Elmo McElroy?

Or this guy

and kiss the sun

Skrillex ate it.. or is it her?

I think the biggest aspect of "facebook account ownership" is the trendiness of it all. Honestly, I'm sick and tired of hearing FB this and Pinterest that and Tweet this and Instagram that. I realize the potential of it all and that my, among many others' stance, can be equated to ludite's resistance to eMail,

enjoy your stay until your surely imminent ban. Thou shall not bash Apple - blashphemy is punished harshly. One does NOT simply speak ill things of Apple on Giz.

Would never happen. Chris Christie's gravity would pull in the asteroid and it would disintegrate upon entry into his atmosphere - too much hot gas for any asteroid to last.

Capitalist pig!


If anything, it's probably the other way around - the people who are your "facebook friends" are making it plainly obvious how different you are. Quite a few people who I was friends with in HS made me realize that I had so little in common with them these days.

Yeah, good luck getting rid of floppies. As long as there are people willing to run Windows XP on crappy hardware (read: Dell), there will ALWAYS be need for floppy to load those extra special SATA controller drivers. Sometimes, playing floppy DJ game for hours before you find a driver that actually works.

You have no place on this blog. Did you not read the terms of registration? You were supposed to have an iPad connected to your Google Voice, err I mean Apple iCloud, acting as your voice mail system, linked up wirelessly to your Macbook Air, streaming Gizmodo podcasts to your iTunes, via your shiny JBL clear

dude, at my friends house ystd: his Comcast cable speed: 3mbps up/down.

Now, can someone explain the Finding Nemo, Cars, Kung Fu Panda and Puss in the Boots knockoffs on Amazon/Netflix? Like really bad shit. The kind that would have you bashing movie theater manger's head in if they actually charged you money to see it? like, so terrible, even Edie Murphy turned down the role?

I did it all for the nookie, so you can take that cookie and shove it up your a....

brush your teef next time. :-P

Lovin in elevator!!!!

Good news everyone! Now that we've developed cure for cancer, AIDS, obesity and diabetes, in my spare time I have constructed an elevator lined with cookies. I had a few myself, seeing I deserve one or two.. Heck, I can eat all of them since there's no risk of infection, gaining weight or dealing with pesky insulin