
Good Omens is FANTASTIC! Take "Omen", give it typical brit humor and you got yourself 2 stellar authors doing what they do best. ;-) a Must Read

Oh, another Heinlein fan!!! *HIGH FIVE* o/*\o

My favorite one: A tattoed ex-Tower Records employee with an earhole size of a basketball hoop, looking at an ISBN of a book I'm showing him on my Android phone, Amazon page loaded and asking him if they have the book in stock.

Well, at least they didn't build a computer store in someone's house to strong arm them into, err... I mean convince them to buy Windows 7.

Did you use "google translate" to type it up, coz' it's full of herp and derp. Or it's missing bunch of ,,,,, to make sense.

Blasphemy, every one knows the iTunes of Jobs IS MUSIC. iTunes is the best program ever, completely awesome.

LMAO, EPIC WIN!!! However, considering the accuracy of Iranian weaponry, I think that cluster blue bird was used instead.

And FYI - the one pictured is NOT a 2012 replica, that one has front bumper LED lights. This one must be 2011 or earlier.

Picking one up this Saturday *fingers crossed* (yes, the REAL deal, not RC... tho I might get that one for my kid :-). If he manages to keep it intact and working until he reaches driving age, I might even let him drive it...

so, is the sky falling or not? WILL SOMEONE TELL ME WHEN TO START PANICKING?

"And no, cynep. Water doesn't "do wonders."

+1... I see an unfortunate life-ending accident... or heart attack... or bear mauling in Young's future... just sayin'...

You know what else resembles an "I"? Dick.

They'll call tech support, they'll tell customer to place purchased iProduct into the freezer until solidified, at which point they may resume using iLiquid as iPhruitPhone.

...that is unless you're a political prisoner/dissident...

Apple Computer corp was different than Apple recording lable, you know - the one with that little known band called... the bugs... no... the centipedes... oh, got it! The Beatles. That didn't stop one Apple hating another Apple for many years... until they made sweet sweet sweet love on a huge pile of money they were

Any particular suggestions?

"so that misfires and duds wouldn't be a huge issue, like the are when you have an uncontrolled mess like that."

I had one explode in my face this NYE the second I lit the fuse. I have no idea how that happened, I was sober, I read all the instructions, I followed all safety advise. The moment match hit the fuse, BAM! And this was on one night I was wearing contacts, not glasses. I was momentarily blinded, deafened, stunned, and

BTW, not sure about other carriers, but I suspect that Verizon and AT&T are using the metered plan to not be competition with themselves. Why let you have a fast, unlimited internet access for $30 a month, potentially losing your FIOS business at home... when they can double-dip?