
@eNdi: And immediately to the left is The Venom... :o)

@xredgambit: "The Prime Directive is a Starfleet regulation, and thus only applies to Starfleet officers. Civilian citizens of the Federation are not bound by it. In fact, if a Federation citizen has chosen to personally interfere with another civilization, Starfleet is powerless to remove that individual, under

@Howie Kearney: Yeah... and they are all wearing Speedos (tm)... and it's pretty clear that those baskets came from Ethan Allen...

@anthonygobot: What about Home Depot??? Where are these natives going to hang out, soliciting cheap tiling labor?

@certifiedfryguy: Or running water, internet, electricity, basic medical care and pictured above is your self-dentistry kit...

@dragoncooler: Well, it's their fault for sitting on top of mountains of Unobtanium. :-p

@Graizur: Uh-oh, looks like someone ran out of meds.

@ccweems: You mean that behemoth of a company that cannot get out of its own way is actually expected to be "up to speed"? You mean the same company that uses equipment in some cases older than 60 years old?

Earl Blake frowns upon your shennanigans

@redman042: Right, because that solar flare repairman's cell phone (or landline, for that matter) will be fully operational and he'll be delighted to drive over to your house in his pre-electronics, 1940 van to work on your totally dead lines.

@goober: Site got Giz'd all over

@topsully: So, that explains the draft in my cupboard!!!!

@Incoherent_ramblings_of_a_madm...: or "google local search" (options on the left).

Ever since few days ago when I was reminded of this epic scene, I couldn't stop thinking about it. Perfect opportunity to re-visit this awesome meme :D

@Scuba Steve: Yo, I also got RSX, how did you get it to stay there? just glued in? Also, does it interfere with HVAC controls?

@wkm001: truth is that he's making money for himself and others. While NFL and other outlets would love to turn their nose in disguist, they realize that controversy is creating more publicity, more viewers, higher ratings, higher revenues, and that's the way this whore of an industry works.

@pizzelle: Thanks for proving my point. you have no fucking idea bout me, yet here you are - summing me up in 5 lines of pointless drivel, contradicting yourself in proces.

@helixjo1: Well, I must confess - I did miss a meeting or two simply because I forgot about them. Now, if there was only some sort of a way or device to remind me... Whoever makes it - is gonna be MAAAAAAAD rich. I'd like to buy a stock in that company.