@Mocha_Joe: summa cum laude.... And summa cum quietle....
@Mocha_Joe: summa cum laude.... And summa cum quietle....
@Thevic: Ozzy what YOU did thar
@Felipe058: last one... I had to be convinced I was gonna be had worthily (just made that one up....)
@Felipe058: you had me at "lala"
This is what happens when you become a de facto standard for internet search - bunch of low life scum, such as SEO firms start catching on and working to get their clients to the top of the search list.
@Platypus Man: I wonder what Microsoft Employees are called... "Microsoftees"? Or Yahoo employees are (bunch of) "Yahoos"? (nah, we all know if you're a Yahoo employee you soon may be called "assimilated" or "unemployed")
@romevi04: They see me rollin', they' skatin'. That's so awesome on so many levels... Imagine trying to drive out of there, even in that Landcruiser
@romevi04: looks like Chicago... no?
@theimmc: or bikes parked outside of starbucks, aka natural douche bag habitat
@crazypills77: MacBook pro... Ftfy
@olternaut: Like how to get a decent haircut, instead of taking a Page out of Bill Gates' book? :)
@Raupture: I Objective C what both of you compiled there...
@darkjedi213: That's a Piece of Schmidt way to look at it... :)
I was actually quite surprised Eric got the job to begin with, considering how he had his hand in running Novell NetWare into the ground. Nothing wrong with that, though... it was a mercy killing, IMO.
@WTF! Realityism!: September! Yeah. Definitely in September. Wait. we meant October! Yup. 100% guaranteed you'll have it in November. No later than end of the year, guarantee. Did we say that? Oh, we meant January. Uh huh. That's right. Hey. You know what. Hm. Forget the whole 2.2 upgrade thing. How about you just buy…
@BillyV65: Wannabe Nerd Rage... that's why I come here - not only to catch up on latest in tech but also have a glimpse of the newest in mindless gimp advancement. That one is a splendid specimen, I must say. Just a right ballance of misguided anger mixed in with a total delusion of self-grandure, sprinkled with…
@Euclidean: No, I have to explain my responses because you're obviously having difficulties comprehending, as well as tying your own shoes, making a coherent statement, not spraying when you talk, and number of other issues that I neither have time nor desire to diagnose.