
Y’know, when I saw those bike parts all laid out that way, I thought: “This has got James May written all over it.”

I don’t think you have to much to worry about:)

Already blogged about that one! But also... early ML build quality was bad.

Depends, what is your definition of intelligent life? Animals on this planet have all kinds of intelligence (tool use)

To your first point, I think that kind of wear has more to do with age in years than age in mileage. (Not entirely, but largely.)

I’m from belgium. The accident had nothing to do with automatic systems. The guy driving just never drove an automatic before and used his left foot to push the clutch in to go into second gear. But what does the left pedal do in an automatic when pushed all the way in? That’s right, it makes cyclist crash into you!

My totally unfounded hypothesis based only on what I’ve seen others in my profession do, is that Cora’s assistant knew she messed this up, and was counting on Alinea to bail her out so she didn’t have to admit to her mistake.

She’s the head of a large and very successful food service brand, and no, they don’t generally make their own travel arrangements. They pay personal assistants for that, because that’s what PAs do.

I read Kokonas’s original post, before he redacted some of the emails/other info for privacy concerns, but there are a few people who rightfully point out that Cat Cora’s assistant originally sent an email with the subject that had something along the lines of “Reservation for Saturday” in it. Alinea’s first offered

Thetakeout, when informed their headline is wrong,

You really think people of today’s world will even realize they ordered poorly???

Was it pickled herring in, essentially, a pool of tartar sauce? I’ve made that mistake. 

If the restaurant fucked up, send it back. If you ordered poorly, that’s on you.

I can remember watching it on TV. Watched it again on YouTube last year - wonderful! So cheesy and dated, I loved it.

No photos????

Why is that weird? It’s no different than visiting the Goonies House in Astoria or North Bend if you’re a Twin Peaks fan.

I want to, but my SO (understandably) doesn’t want our home to look like a used car lot.  I might end up sneaking into storage at my friend’s body shop when we replace it. The xB...she’ll have to pry out of my cold, dead hands. Or more likely, our son’s- he’ll be driving age in a couple of years and the Juicebox would

he is probably a good person

Painters tape comes off easier than duct tape. He’s probably just trying to not ruin his paint.

Can we agree that we caught Green-F40-guy on a bad day, and that there aren’t too many bodyshops in the country that “do” a dented F40 hood over the weekend, hence necessitating painters tape to be able to keep daily-ing, and that he is probably a good person? Yes?