Mostly Harmlesss

I think that was the point of my original post—that another phone was going to work out better for me. That sentiment quickly drew the ire of android fanbois like yourself. I have to admit that I don’t understand rabid fanboi-ism regarding phones (android or apple). But then again I never understood the whole Chevy vs

Not true. I know full well the advantages of android. Many of those advantages—SD cards, removable batteries, unlocked bootloaders—have become the exception rather than the rule. In many ways android phones have become as locked down as IOS...only without the security.

Again, been 100% Android since the OG. Well-versed in rooting and custom ROMs. Great if you have an unlocked bootloader. Updates are not just a matter of features, they are also a matter of security.

I’m right there with you. I jumped the IPhone ship when the OG Driod came out and haven’t looked back...until the past few months. Android devices all seem to have at least one compromise and (at the risk of the hordes screaming “get a nexus”) you never know if you’ll get the next update. Not to mention the security

C: All of the Above? ;-)

Thanks for that info and the article. I’ll defintitely keep using one or more of these services.

I’ve never heard of eyebright spray with snoring. Does anyone have any experience?

Good point! Also can lead to cardiac problems!

What timing! I was shopping for some text books today. It looks like I get pretty much the same results from Textbookly and Is there anything that you’ve found that differentiates this service or is it just another good option?

Dammit, I wasn’t planning on learning anything today!

In Word just use 2 dashes together—no spaces between the dashes and letters—and it will change to an em dash for you. A single with spaces (score was 5 - 0) will convert to an en dash

No doubt. I watch most youtube vids at 2x these days.

So if we’re paying full price, does this mean that Verizon will allow for unlocked bootloaders and stop with the bloatware?

For salaried employees yes, but if I bank 40 PTO hours while making $20/hr and get a raise to 25/hr. the value of my PTO time has gone up.

Did a password and email addy change just to be sure. Thanks for the heads up, Eric!

My mother has some sort of innate ability to converse with anyone. I wish she passed that gene on to me.

I have some tarantulas...

Nice to see this study. It makes a lot of sense and helps debunk the non-science behind gatorade and other “sports” drinks. If electrolytes were the problem then we’d expect to see systemic cramping, not just the legs.

I don’t think it will make a huge difference. I bought am HP spectre 3 months ago and threw the Win 10 preview on it without issue. Been loving it ever since. Also, it might take longer than 7/29 for laptops to actually start shipping with Win 10

I’m fairly common and have been happy with the Win 10 preview. The glitches have been fairly minor and I like windows 10 much better than 8 on the laptop.