Mostly Harmlesss

That would be Verizon’s claim to fame. And living in a rural and mountainous area, I’ve got one choice. :-/

The Nexus 6 is not very impressive. The Verizon version is only 32 gb which is a non-starter for me since it’s there’s no SD slot.

I would, but the Nexus 6 is unimpressive IMO and at 32 gb it’s a joke.

Originally, I thought they said Win 7 & 8 users would be able to get it free for the first year.

I don’t disagree with you, but I’m running the 10074 build right now and it’s pretty solid. I will say that it’s on a new computer. I haven’t tried it on my 5-year old Win7 laptop.

Might it makes some preparatory changes to your computer or in some way help them balance the load on their servers when it’s released?

The thought of that it making my teeth hurt.

I absolutely agree that the majority of that is on the carriers. Unfortunately for me I have to consider that as part of the android experience. My only choice in carriers is Verizon due to my rural location, so as much as I would love to play with an OPO, it’s simply not an option for me at this time. I’ve been on

Yes, you definitely have a better chance with a Nexus, but I’m not impressed by the N6 enough to buy one. That leaves me either buying one of the others and hoping my carrier decides to bless me with an upgrade or waiting until M is release on phones. The lack of a guaranteed and timely upgrade makes it difficult to

That’s the way I used to feel but now I’m not so sure anymore. At least you know your 2 year old phone is going to get the update regardless of which carrier you’re on. How many times have you see a phone get an upgrade on one carrier and the same phone on another carrier never gets it. When you could unlock your

This is the aggravation that I currently have using Android. Older equipment regularly gets left in the dust. I’m due to upgrade phones. With M getting announced there’s no way I’m getting an Android phone right now and risking it not getting upgraded. Truly frustrating!

I use transmission-qt on my Windows 10 box. Maybe it’s an offshoot of the original transmission project?

It’s not going to do anything different than drinking water. I’ve treated a lot of people with hangovers and I’ve never seen an otherwise healthy adult come in with abnormal electrolytes from a night of drinking too much. It’s like people who think gatorade will stop cramps.

Ads aren't really the problem as much as their number and increasing intrusiveness. Trying to read an article on a phone these days can be an exercise in frustration.

Transmission IS on Windows.

400 mg is the standard adult dose of ibuprofen for pain. Anti-inflammatory effects are seen at doses to 600-800.

Sorry, but I disagree. People regularly OD on Tylenol and the rarely (in my experience) spontaneously vomit. They have no problem keeping down 25 pills and I’ve seen a lot higher. Mucomyst need to be started within 8 hours and earlier if possible to prevent/minimize liver damage. If you wait 72 hrs, that liver is gone.

Just some quick thoughts:

Fever is part of the immune response. There are some studies that show not treating a fever can shorten the length of an illness. I don’t take any antipyretics unless I’m really miserable.

I tried Honey for a few months and uninstalled it after getting zero results with it. Have other people had better luck?