Mostly Harmlesss

If you have to do that much work to get the tablet *somewhat* productive, then it seems like you're better off with a laptop. I currently don't own a tablet. I've had the Nexus and Galaxy note. My girlfriend has the iPad and has had the Fire HDX. They're great for consuming videos or websites, but other than that I

Thanks for the article. I'm currently entering an upgrade phase and honestly have no idea if I'm going to switch to Apple or Windows 8. (Currently dual-booting Win 7 / Ubuntu) It's hard to ignore that 14 hrs of battery life, are there any others computers in the pipeline that are going to challenge that 14 hr mark?

Why not crush/chop/grind? Seem like it would infuse faster so there must be a reason that the splitting etc is preferred

Wait. What? I...I think I love you. #awkward

No. Lost a similar device last year. Fortunately they're $1 at the local Big Lots

The 2 things that every IOS update seems to include is a DST error and worse battery life. I always advise the GF to wait for the "working" version that inevitably comes out a few months after the initial roll out.

I'm confused. Why would you put a "-sucks" when doing a Justin Bieber search?

They (Walmart) trialed the self checkouts in my area and then took them out. Not sure why, shoplifting perhaps?

Option A: 2 hours of driving time, finding parking, wading through the store, standing in line at one of the 2 open registers waiting while someone tries to prove the Tums are on sale, gas, wear and tear on the car all to save $10.

I'm hoping that there is some improved power management in 13.10. Even with TLP, I'm lucky to get 90 minutes of battery life whereas I get nearly 4 hours if I boot the Win 7 partition.

Costs are also driven by the insurance companies and the folks who don't have insurance. If you're a hospital trying to stay afloat you have Medicare and Medicaid which often reimburse at less than cost. You then have the self pay people who have something like 65% bad debt—no money is collected. Then the insurance

Insurance costs are high because they are publicly traded companies and the shareholders demand a profit. They also need to spend exorbitant sums to CEOs, bonuses to top performers and of course lobbying politicians to ensure that their very profitable business model carries on.

"If for some reason a bowl of guacamole doesn't get devoured entirely..."

Bastard! ;-)

Wow, good stuff. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

Are they upfront on the shipping costs? Without knowing that number you really don't have a way of determining whether you're getting a deal or not.

It has nothing to do with insurance? Of course it does! Insurance is out of the range of most Americans and it's an industry that makes money only when they don't pay. It's also the fault of the legal system that sues doctors/hospitals for anything under 100% success. Its the fault of doctors who order unnecessary

Honestly, that your last post was great and there are many points that I am not knowledgeable enough to debate. Interestingly we probably agree on better than 80% of things. :-)

I see your point. My problem with your argument is that 17 Americans died as a result of terrorism in 2011 while 30k+ people die from flu-related illness each year. Terrorism simply isn't the biggest threat that we face. It's largely a manufactured threat to allow the government to purchase new toys or bomb

I would argue that the ability of someone to receive healthcare is a common good. Everyone pitches in, everyone gets healthcare. Healthcare costs go down for everyone and accessibility goes up for everyone. Sick days go down and productivity goes up. Will there still be people who smoke and eat themselves to 400 lbs?