
Well done Joz, that is the most ignorant and histrionic post I have read on this site. Are you seriously likening the green energy movement to Nazism? Oh and pet rock? LOL RANDUM!?!?!?!?!!!!1111!1

- The climate is not getting better - it is getting worse by the day.

Shut. Up. No. One. Cares. About. Your. Stuipd. Elitism.

Yeah, but I can’t seem to find a way to play Horizon or Wipeout on my PC...smh

The queen is a badass 90 year old and we’re proud to be a part of the UKs history. The pipeline is getting built through the US too. They’re connecting even. So that poitn is moot.

The main game is actually pretty great. Play it the way you want, whether it’s careful & strategic or loud and frantic. It works well, both always, with a few flaws. You have to play the game freely. This shit tho? NO one likes this, or wanted it. It’s also completely separate from the main game, your character

Is that really a problem, though? (with the process, I mean, we all want 45 gone ASAP.) I mean, Watergate took a long freaking time to all come together. For stuff like this you have to wait for sources to flip or someone to come forward with new information, it isn’t really the kind of thing you can do on a

John McCain certainly seems tired of all these sore-foot losers prancing around on TV and stroking each other’s dicks.

Just one point of contention: a scientific or rational skeptic is someone who reserves judgment on the veracity of a claim until decisive empirical evidence is obtained.

Someone like Scott Pruitt is not a skeptic, but rather a denier. The evidence is clear and unambiguous, he simply chooses to ignore it.

Because half of our country is comprised of sentient beings who care about others and the planet and the other half of our country is is comprised of unevolved, gun worshipping, women and minority hating, banjo plucking nitwits (their only redeeming quality is appreciating the lovely banjo instrument) who are


My XBone has an external hard drive in so I never worry about filling it up. It’s a trick even my WiiU can pull off.

I don’t want to crack open my damn PS4.

Side note: I’d just love a Negasonic Teenage Warhead one-shot.

It really isn’t surprising that the check to future generations wasn’t there. The Government cashed and spent that a long time ago.

Wonder who they will find? :)

It sucks when you drop into the gutter with biased comments like you have about Trump at the end of what was an interesting article. And I’d say the same thing if you did it bashing Clinton as well. This is why people say you guys aren’t journalists. Unless you just consider yourself a blogger and not a journalist,

We’re talking Lawnmower Man awful.

You also have to consider a console gamer has been told over and over again that mods make the games better, and those without the luxury of having a gaming pc have never had the opportunity to mod their games. This is exciting for those people who missed out on what their friends have been saying for five years. So

Agreed, after coming from the Apple Keynote, this presentation was bland as hell. Maybe they should have used the Keynote software to make their presentations a bit better. Now with collaboration!