
That is not Playstation Plus, that is PS Now, a totally different service completely, and so very very optional to play old ps3 games through a streaming service.

Every time I play unreal tournament 3, I can't help but think that someday, somewhere, someone is secretly creating an all new unreal game, with a full single player campaign, filled with new age effects and details that only the creators of the engine can ever seem to pull off. And they will call it........Unreal.

Most people will dismiss this part, but it has hdmi and a wireless controller. That essentially means I can stream my pc content to any tv in my home. Sold. I own ashield, and if this adds up to what I think it does, sign me up. My shield is amazing, but not being able to disconnect the controller makes things

Coming from Civ Rev on the Xbox and Ps3, this game isnt bad. Its pretty much exactly like those versions, but with touch controls. I do agree that this is a side step and not a true sequel, and that while the animations and new graphics are nice, it does slow the gameplay down on a tablet. Civ Rev 2 is not a bad

Napster. Just sayin.

PC Name: pc

Yeah, I am cool with adding both of those games to my shield library. I get that the Shield is not for everyone, but for me, it is a must own device. Just dont tell my Ps Vita... It has enough anxiety as it is.


I have to agree. I have bought a lot of Vita games, and its the Indies that I keep coming back to. Hotline Miami plays best on Vita, I love Stealth Inc, pixeljunk Monsters is amazing. Its the smaller games that keep my Vita going.

Yeah, I dont get the comment since its directed at Samsung directly. Sony will put their flavor on top of their devices, HTC the same. But being just overlays on top of Android, these new chips will still make future devices buttery smooth. Touchwiz or not.

I am an owner so clearly biased, but I have been playing using their nvidia grid streaming and the results have been amazing with minimal lag, and graphics are pretty clear. If I can do that around town from my home pc instead of connecting to their servers, It's a steal at 200

As a PC Master Race owner, PS4, xbox one, wii u, and vita owner, I do agree that fanboyism is pretty bad. But, I dont think any of them are any worse than another group. PC fanboys are just trying to justify their giant PC purchase by voicing their opinion. I play PC games with a controller, and even when I say

Out of curiosity, is this because you are using a plasma screen with a glossy display? I ask only because I dont see it reflect on mine at all? I used to own a plasma and I could see a reflection of almost everything off the display, which drove me nuts. This was before the PS4, but I could totally see it bugging

AGREED!!! Trials on Vita would be the ultimate for me.

I love that you focus on the one thing in this article, a game that runs at 30fps, and that somehow that negates all the comments about the Xbox One. But in reality, the complaint has always been why do games run at 1080p and at 60fps on PS4, and lower resolutions and slower framerates on Xbox One. It was never

Then you my friend have killed two soundproofing projects down to just one! Unfortunately, I do not have that option, but having my drums in my room would be pretty sweet.

Yeah, I feel the need for detail. Otherwise, I get fanboy'd out of Kotaku these days. Really tho, go with what you decide is right for you. Its always going to come down to personal choice in the end.

I own both, and a fancy gaming PC(I know I said fancy, but hey its no Alienware) and as far as me personally, I am getting in much more time with my PS4 at the moment. I like the new interface, its easy to use and tells me what I need to know. The Xbox One is a very capable machine, but does have more Jaggies on

You are clearly missing the point. It wasnt an argument he was making. You are trying to create one out of it. Yes, by purchasing two 770s in sli you will be able to play all PC games at a higher level of graphics than the console would ever do. It was stating fact, it wasnt stating that this is what you must

Ah yes, the leap as well. What a cool device that has no real purpose. I used it for a bit, now it sits in my laptop bag just in case someone wants to know what it is. i feel like part of a club of people who buy peripherals that seem so cool, but never turn out as awesome as they look in the demos. I will