
Agreed! Super excited to see what they have done to one of my all time favourite games. give me some jump pads and I will be happy

Agreed, sure its not the most accurate water in the world, but Just Cause 2 does have some very pretty water effects and it looks great in game! I do not believe any game has come close in recent years to what they achieved in that game as far as water goes. It really improves the gameplay experience.

I play all the time on pc and it really is a good game. I do hate when people knock the game because its about farming. Sure there are some boring aspects but if you get a good group of farmers it's a blast. If you ever get it hit me up and you can join our farm. Always fun with a bunch of team players. Well that

I am sure and will do something similar. But yes the nvidia experience app just keeps getting better. It analyzes your specs and tells you what you should run. And showseal the graphical setting options for each game so it is a handy way to do things on pc. Don't wormap pc game makers, video card manufacturers all

I like your statement however as an owner of multiple tablets(for work) I still have to say the iPad gets the most play. Windows 8 on a tablet is my second and android third. The reason android doesn't make the top of the pack is because I bought one for my parents and to use it for them was less than easy. I

What we have here is Fanboyism at its finest. This is also the person you play Call of Duty against. But its still no excuse for threatening people on the internet. But its ok, you are just creating a new reason to avoid the Xbox One......You

I feel you missed most of the article, which states that Jason is does not appear to like the DRM policies in place on the Xbox One. To give you the gist of the rest of the article, he then goes on to talk about how Microsofts messaging is so convoluted and confusing, that even on talk shows, the message about their

As a Wii U early adopter, I would seriously take anything at this point. Its not like us rare Wii U buyers have a lot of choices. Especially in the shooter genre. I would love to see some new games come to the Wii U regardless if they use the second screen or not. So please, lets hope that this comes to my sad

Free 2 play isnt the issue really. They treat it like a demo. But most fighting game demos have more than one character. Thats all.

Sorry but aren't those multi platform? Mirrors edge 2 is pc Xbox one and ps4. Witcher will be as well

Fanboys will be fanboys. It still doesn't change the fact of a corporate entity monitoring everything you do online. Being an Xbox 360 and PC gaming fan I get how thuse line check is not a big deal. But that's to you and me. Not everyone. So while your opinion works for you, you have to understand it doesn't work

Agreed. That is a pricey rental system that is dead at its end of life rendering all your games unplayable and force you to buy a new rental box. I am also out of this one. And I was a pretty huge Xbox 360 fan... Moving on to master race pc. And the master race part is a joke. Just wanted to say it before 50

Man, I gotta be honest, I was reading these posts, and then I read yours. Smart talking about a great system. You are right on all counts, battery life, and game prices.

I own an internet tv, two of them. They are also considered smart tvs... The problem there is how often do you use the smart tv features.. you dont. You never say, hey let me look that up on the tv. You never stop and think, man I need to get more apps for my tv. The most used function I use the new tv for is

Agreed +1

I agree with your statement, however with new ideas such as Steams new workshop, its as easy as clicking subscribe. Then you have it the next time you start the game, no tinkering, nothing, just a mod available to download at the click of a button. People seem to forget that the PC landscape isnt what it used to be.

Question 1: NA

Agreed. A sad day when you cant even bring a new game over to show your friends. Which is a huge free marketing tool. A lot of games I have been shown by a friend makes me want to purchase it. By taking all these things away from a console, what do they hope to gain? Fewer customers? Fewer game sales? All of

Of course it has true multiplayer, Most Wanted has a huge online community.

Didnt they just make a burnout game with need for speeds name on it? I have played a lot of Most Wanted and have decided it is an evolution of Burnout Paradise way more than a NFS game. With licensed cars. I love it. (Personal Opinion, I know burnout fans want to hate it because it is NFS, and NFS fans hate it