
To add and elaborate, people arent mad because its EA. They are mad because they CANT PLAY THE GAME. I personally have paid 90 bucks x2 for me and my wife to play the game, and neither of us are able to do this. Thats 180 bucks I have spent on nothing but server issues, tutorial issues, and a number of other things

I agree it depends on what you need. The 450 is a fairly low performing card by todays standards, and even the jump from a 460 to a 660 is quite large.

I have to agree with the other comment, there is no such thing as a 5790. 5970 maybe. Personally, being a Nvidia fan, and running two 670s, I love the 670 performance, even in single card options. However the card is not cheap. The 660ti is the close second and is a little lighter on the price tag.

Another Yes from me. It is the game I go to when I dont feel like playing anything else. It keeps me going, even when I am doing nothing.

Yeah, he really does. And knows lots about it. Do research before calling people out. Makes you seem smarter.

I agree, I would like to speak to Thomas directly on this one. I believe he is the man with the answers. I am sorry Rena, but you just do not seem to have the answers to the questions.

The ps3 and xbox 360 had the advantage of being the first HD consoles. The leap in resolution was a huge change from what was available before. They also came at a time where HD TVs were introduced. I have mentioned this in other posts as well with people arguing the next gen point with current PC games. This


After reading the comments, I find it amazing what some people will blast you for on the internet. I mean clearly roman540 does not own one, and you probably do not understand the difference between them all. Windows RT is an ARM based operating system. It is currently set to run similar to both Android and iOS

No its going to be, online is free but if you want to chat, share, and all that other stuff you pay. That is my best guess. so you can play games, just not anything else, which takes away from the overall gameplay.

Nope, I am out. While I like the ideas they have, and I am sure it is an amazing racing game, in app purchases like this will make me avoid this game.

It is probably unlikely for this to happen. Mostly due to how Android is. But on a Windows machine, running real windows apps just makes sense.

Also, some companies such as Nvidia are now offering their Nvidia Experience which rates your hardware and sets specs accordingly. This negates the need to tweak as much. I am a tweaker myself and love playing with settings to get the best performance, so I dont count, but it seems like a great app. I saw it was

Yes, this comment is my favorite! Well Played!

Yeah, Russell Peters lives in LA. So, yeah...

yeah, you have either lost it, or you are making stuff up. That is an impossibility and a half

Yeah, I hate to say it, but your first experience with a Mac was a Mac, the first experience with a PC would be a PC. Now I get what you mean, PC=personal computer and Mac does fit in that category, but they have separated into two different groups. But I hear ya. Macs were crazy back in the day. I loved mine, but

Thats all there is this upcoming generation. Higher textures, better framerates, and less jaggies. They will put some screens or touchpads on there to make you think its flashy and new, maybe even make it the ultimate movie store, but in the end, prettier.

technical leaps in the ability to make games is exactly my point. Anything was possible in the world of gaming when the n64 and ps1 were out. The difference has always been graphics, and in this current gen, physics. All games have ever been is a technical leap in the ability to make a realistic experience. By

Wow I just found stupidity on the Internet. This comment is pretty dumb. Even with ports my pc makes games look better. Now it's nice that you want to justify your excessive payments to Microsoft for live and over priced gaming, but bashing on pc just isn't it.