
Agreed Transformer runs it great. I use an xbox controller and have no complaints. Now lets mod it with some real cars, and some crazy textures and see what happens!

Asus Transformer. Tegra runs everything nice, and it is a smooth experience. I dont not have a prime with the quad core, but with the keyboard dock as well as the option to tablet it up, its a winning combination in my book.

@Cheese Addict: I have the game, and while I would love to see the glitch in action, it seems like too much work for too little benefit

@ImSpartacus: Wait Wait, you could use that 20 bucks to invest in his newest venture -(to be announced and verifiably verified)- Looks like you will make millions!

@freedomweasel: Sshh dont tell him that! Let him stay playing burnout. Its not like we were missing him in GT5 anyway.

@Archaotic: One trick pony.. lol funny stuff. They make game engines, if thats their one trick, then I am sure they are okay with that label. You do know that all the other games you play use the Unreal Engine, and it was made by these guys? Gears, Unreal Tournament, and now Citadel Demo and Infinity Blade. They

@kusotare: I agree with everyone here that states that most people do not root their phones. I hacked the hell outta my palm pre and loved doing so. But the Android does what I want it to do without having to care so much. 35,000 people is not everyone with an android phone, their sales are in the tens of millions

@piecesofwork: Let me tell you the real story about GT5. Yes, the game is worth a buy if you love cars. Simple.

@IcoSotc: If you thought Forza was boring, you will absolutely hate GT5. Its not that kind of game. Its a car simulation. Need for speed series is arcade, this is not.

@Archaotic: The one thing that bugs me the most is the fact that so many people have a nazi swastika as their logo. When did becoming a nazi be so popular. I have never seen such stupid kids in my life. Without the jews, television would suck!

@SKiTz: This comment more than anything deserves about 5 and a half LOL's!

@Riff-Raff: And I have to agree, as a media center, and xbox is not the device to do it. I own all three systems, and the ps3 I rarely play games on(mostly because they still wont release GT5) but it has replaced my cable company because I can stream pretty much anything to it, run netflix, and it is great at what

@Riff-Raff: Well you pay for xbox live. Netflix is a service that comes with xbox live. If you dont pay for xbox live, then you dont get netflix. If all you want to do is watch netflix, then obviously and xbox is not worth your time, however for the rest of us who already pay for the live service, then its nice to

@WiccanLion: I agree with minusX,,,, why? Its still a huge improvement over the current.

@Darksider1972: Hardcore XBOX player here, and while I already own a PS3 for streaming video for the wife, I also will be getting Gran Turismo 5 just to play Gran Turismo 5.

@MightyMonk: I cant help but wonder what kind of DLC for single player they could have in Reach, you know, since the characters are dead...