
@Mikestan: Then you are missing out.

@selderane: two words, guitar hero, proofed. killed the franchise by pumping out as many games with the title on it, then figured he could tap into the rest of them by releasing dj hero, and then went on to trademark every other hero name to ensure he can keep milking this thing till it died. the music game genre

@ryoshi: Wow, name calling, fanboy much. Thanks for comin out. And have fun playing on your super batteried iphone that must come from the future and use some amazing battery technology that only you must possess.

@ryoshi: Right cause I am trolling by stating I have an iphone and I dont get 9 hours of battery life when playing games. Seriously dude, you are just overstating the fact that you think your battery lasts 9 hours. Go lookup what a troll is in the first place. I am stating fact, you are stating fiction, not

@ryoshi: Right cause I am trolling by stating I have an iphone and I dont get 9 hours of battery life when playing games. Seriously dude, you are just overstating the fact that you think your battery lasts 9 hours. Go lookup what a troll is in the first place.

@ryoshi: Plugged into the wall. Its impossible to play for 9 hours straight on battery alone.

@Indy_aka_Rex: Hardly minor, agreed, but at the same time, its not like the xbox or ps3 games look that ugly in terms of graphics at this moment. Directx 11 will impress, but not enough to justify a new console at this moment in time. I am sure microsoft is looking to cash in on direct x 11, but they will focus on

@thorax232: Clearly you havent actually played the game. And like the other guy says, go play flash games and let us know how you make out. Or better yet, dont let us know.

@ryoshi: an iphone version of a game that can take an hour to finish? No way man. My iphone battery cant handle that. Well it can if I dont make calls that day.

@Bard of Awen: Naw, just go buy an xbox to play it. Its totally worth the price to play the game!!!! (insert sarcasm where appropriate)

@DoktorFunkenstein: I also have to agree, I didnt finish 3 or san andreas, but vice city at least 3 times.

@Kaneda: See, the issue with that is that Epic has always used UT as a tech demo for a new engine. Its a different department who designs and keeps up the engine. They use the UT franchise to show off the new features. Its always been this way since the beginning of Unreal.

@DirtyDogg: Exactly, WebOS=rooting=Konami Code! Its that easy... why cant we all just buy a pre..

@cowboybebopfan: But if we dont bother with this 3D glasses phase, tv makers will have no choice but to move on to the next big thing. What you are both saying is that we should pay a bunch of money for something we dont want to get what we actually want. Thats just stupid. Make them create something we do want and

@HeartBurnKid: Agent of R.O.A.C.H.: Also agreed, Motion gaming actually tries to bring something new to the table, sure not always done right, but it still beats 3d no matter how you look at it.

@kayakj: I guarantee it. Its a fast build with many improvements.

@the captain of #whitenoise: Well I actually spent a lot of time on this, but was unable to find a good walkthrough. Easiest way tho was to find UberKernal(google it, or check the forums on install that, then get CPUScaler Ultimate through preware. This will get you pretty well settled. the scaler

@snitch: You mean big and kind of crappy looking?

@the captain of #whitenoise: two words put together, Overclock. If you bump it up in speed, its still a worthy phone, sure it voids the warranty, but then you wont have to leave the palm camp ;) I understand tho, we need new hardware to complement the OS.

@golferal: Oh and yes, the EVO with that processor is amazing when running Android.