
@Mike Newlad: Oh I can guarantee that I will be picking up both games when they come out. I am a huge racing fan, played GT4 and3 to the end, and same with forza 1 and 2. They Will Be Mine!

@NeVeRMoRe666: See I just read this and see a lot of psn fanboys defending their system. The fact is, most xbox arcade buyers use the demos to see if the game is worth picking up. The download is relatively small yet it tells us so much. I have a hard time buying psn games because I dont know anything about them.

@troopzor: Oh and I dont know if someone let you know this already, but the PC is dead, go buy a console and play games with the rest of the world already.. or you could go play the cartoon version. you know the browser one,,,heroes.. let us know how that works out for you.

@Đipic: at the same time, on my xbox I dont have to worry about tax and all that other crap they force to pay. I pay 800 points, and that is it. not 5.99 plus tax.

I have had this game since release, and yes it is amazing. Multiplayer is actually fun. Single player is a proton blast to play. The new weapons add variety, and killing ghosts is freakin awesome. Anyone who doesnt already own this game, go, go now and get it. more fun than megan fox drunk on smirnoff ice.

I for one, want this game now! while I understand that people here really really want to see gt5, and I am with them there too, I have always wanted a portable version of gran turismo. I will be picking this up right away. 800 cars on a psp,, sold.

But forget the controls, the game is awesome right?

Clearly the game will be fun. on ps3 or psp. for the people asking about why they didnt make the ps3 one playable on the ps3? well thats pretty obvious,, money. now of course they will say something like 'we want to appeal to both audiences on the ps3 and the psp' but its still about the money. Dont let the man

THe game is awesome! Everyone here and everyone else in the world should give this game a go, totally worth the 40 bucks!!! fun, addictive, and worth every penny.

I have owned all tony hawk games out there, and yes, they lost focus on the skateboarding, and went for more of a fun approach, almost jackass like.

@Covert_Knight: its true a console is way cheaper than a new computer.. especially when I already have one of those :)

if it was 800, I would buy it right away,, but 1200 is not worth the game to me.. call me when microsoft drops the price..

stop whining about a simple spelling mistake, you know you have all done it in one of these forum posts,, gosh read the article and stop being such a tool.

I didnt know there were star wars guns in MAG.. this looks like the closest thing we will ever see come close to battlefront in modern day times..

I cant afford to use home.. It would cost me a fortune to do what I want with it. I want a fancy house.. that costs money, I want to wear a different shirt, costs money, the only things I can do are chat and play bowling... or sit in random places ... I mean, where is the entertainment in that?