Moses Monster

Quick Question because I know EA games are on iOS. Do they go directly to their customers with content and updates or is it done through Apple's guidelines that I thought were update recently to have all developers pipe their content through their gates so that they may take their cut? (i.e. Subscriptions for mags are

OMG, I think I know why. He looks like Dennis Duffy

Think you are onto something with that.

Kind of have to agree. I could never put my fingers on why I really don't like Google Plus but this sort of makes sense. It's not the reason I don't like it but still, wisdom has been spread.

Work Facebook is the phrase. The title makes sense. It's not work WITH facebook it is WORK Facebook. Facebook for Works... Now I'm confusing myself.

Man. Something about that hair line. It's just weird.

If only Verizon would go back to developing more FiOS enabled areas.... and maybe lower their prices. That's just wishful thinking though.

Is this only for streaming video or content purchased and downloaded as well? I know some people who buy movies/tv shows on iTunes and still watch them on their iPhone/iPad over watching it on their computers/television.


You got us on the screenshot.

When I saw 'merging', I accidently read 'disolved' and smiled.

Yeah. That's doesn't happen often, at least on the games I play on the PC. When it does though, those people kind of deserve it. :/

You can download Eve Online for free. And they still give you at least a 21-day trial. The box is probably a way of you paying for that "One Free Month"

Your facebook page is about to be deleted. #watchout

Since the scuplture they molded of him melted. They salvaged it the best they can.

Now playing

Naming the robot Blinky is just asking for trouble

Honestly, NBC has more shows I watch and want to watch than any other network. If anything, FOX is filled with more 'douchebaggery'