Moses Monster

Agreed SewerShark. Jann brings up some great points that us the consumer never really see or attribute to like advertising space and programing. I did a google search but can't find anything on 'The Daily' sales from start to present. Anyone know what they are?

Been stuck in Afghanistan for 2 years. Finally coming out of my cave now. I know next to nothing on the film other than the special interactive trailer that was on the Portal 2 game. Guess I'll go in surprised alright.

What the hell is wrong with that kid on the far left in the lead shot? Looks like he/she was playing 'Dress Up Like Nick Cage'.

The Playstation Hacker might of also hacked Gawker Media earlier. I think we have a modern day Zodiac Killer(Hacker) on our hands.

I bet GeoHot had something to do with this.

I don't hate GFWL as much as the next guy, but it is a crummy system. That being said, all the gold I made in Fable Coin Golf I hope transfers to the PC version.

Simpsons Did It

The PC Market isn't inferior to the Console market. Does it make a lot of money? Yes, but not for the reasons you may think.

A bit off topic, but if Brian Sum was judged on those games alone on Meta-critic, he'd probably be sitting at a 50% right now. :(

Haven't used the app but one thing they need for it (if it's in there), Music Used Section. Maybe a direct link to the iTunes store so you can purchase the track.

The more I find out about this game, the more excited I am. I'm a die-hard Max Payne fan and I welcome the changes they are bringing to it. James McCaffrey's inclusion nearly seals the deal at this still being the same old Max we love. Just have to see how he plays now.