
I know right? The riddle this time is way too easy.

VRO was much better in terms of quality.

Sounds like instead of serious anime you need some anime that's just really light hearted or funny, or even some childish ones to be honest. The one thing you don't need is more "serious" anime because we had a lot that was pretty serious, but the more you watch the less satisfied you will become. Soon you'll realize

Man, so true but so sad. Working in China as a Taiwanese/Canadian allowed me to have an even better understanding of this sort of twisted self-racism.

I hold it almost exactly like you, except maybe even higher.

The one I've seen has a ring on the end for grip, also looks a lot less like it's from a museum because it's modern hand made, but pretty much the same idea.

You shut your noob mouth! Console gaming is serious business. /s

Tape measure fights! That video gave me too many ideas to goof around at work.

I didn't know they make full sized swords like this. Ancient Chinese assassins used belt swords that was similar to this, but smaller. Not for full blown fighting, just good concealment and element of surprise.

You're talking about Bodhidharma. Possibly the most badass monk in Buddhist history. Although some claim he was falsely accredited. As for Okinawa Karate, it was influenced by Chinese martial arts.

「ただしイケメンに限る」(Only if he's hot/good looking.)

What do you mean buy them? Why buy them when you can make them yourself. Or did you mean like going to Korea and get plastic surgery? These are fine, it's not even that easy to pull it off in real life because of different lighting and material issues.

This is definitely not good for your eyes man.

Thanks for the info. Also you should read the manga.

Yeah, I watched the 1st episode when it came out last season and pretty much instantly dropped it. Censor was one thing, but the TV plot seemed to have skipped a lot of details also. Did it become watchable in the end? How far are they at the end of the season in terms of comic plot?

The first robot would be perfect for those who have cat allergies but still love cats.

Only went to jail for 2 years!? 7 months plotted attempted murder is pretty fucked up.

Chunichi Web reports that the sixteen-year old was up late playing video games at a friend's house. At around 2:10am, 38 year-old Shigetaka Ishimoto allegedly barged into the house while the teens were gaming. Ishimoto allegedly found a knife on the scene and stabbed the 16-year-old, who suffered a minor injury to the

Damn, he's one of the only people that can do fight choreography nicely with animations...