Almost sounds like Hangover.
Almost sounds like Hangover.
Priorities though. Must be the new guy that gets assigned to some petty cyber crime. All the big boys would be on Al-Bagdaddy's case (however you spell that asshole's name)
According to Torrent Freak, the Thai media is reporting that "U.S. movie companies" had hired an attorney to locate Neij. The AP says he was arrested under an Interpol warrant.
Strongly suggest reading the original article if you understands Chinese, or the translated one at ongamers. Really good read about the current state of esports in China. But I thought it'd be better if they can make some comparison to North American or European esports industry.
Are those dudes?
Manga is tedious as fuck. I'd say stick with digital painting and illustrations for hobby and develop skills to draw better before actually thinking of going serious.
Or you can make them yourself for any size you want. Hint: EL light. You can even roll it up for tube transport.
This is just a sad story in all aspect. Kid goes to internet cafe even though he's not allowed (underage). Dad got drunk in a celebration for his wife's birthday and went berserk about his son. Owner had his place fucked up. Cops injured. Now the dad's probably gonna be in jail for a long time. Another broken Chinese…
I don't object to physical punishment if it's lawful and effective for the child in question.
Aww man... At least he had a great run in Part. 1. And getting recognized by Kojima was well worth the effort.
Exactly, the problem here is spoiling a child. I'm sure you can find many well-functioning adults even though they loved Disney when they were kids.
It really isn't about personalities though. How about an ugly female character? If any game developer wants to prove a point, this is what they need to do. Make an ugly female character that's popular.
I highly doubt it's because of Disney. Some kids are quite awful regardless of what program they watch, parenting is the biggest factor.
I don't know about this, looks like there will be gal game elements in this, but the girl is supposed to be your cat right? That's just wrong imo.
This is some funny shit lol.
OMG that's my otomo airu!
Are those warts?
"It's to express my sense of humour. When I was in a fun mood, I painted Doraemon on the mural," artist Rakkiat Lertjitsakul, who painted the mural, told the newspaper. "It's to express my sense of humour. When I was in a fun mood, I painted Doraemon on the mural."
Oh I did not know they ship directly... I feel like a complete idiot and definitely have wasted some money.
I can't never load these Kotaku videos, it's always stuck on this camera graphic fading in and out. I want to see you play Monhan!