Don't you think they can make it fun for casuals? Like separating hardcore and casual player base with server settings. Or even different progression speeds and gameplay.
Don't you think they can make it fun for casuals? Like separating hardcore and casual player base with server settings. Or even different progression speeds and gameplay.
Yeah, when I think hardcore players treating a game like a job I think EVE. At this point if you're not playing EVE you probably will never play it. I almost did when Dust 514 came out, which I guess if you combine the two it works like Titan.
There better be a full blown pet raising simulation in MGSV. This cuteness cannot be ignored.
Wow, I didn't know this is actually something you do for training in real life. That's actually really cool, but for some reason it still looks really bad for your muscles... Going forceful like that just doesn't look right.
I'm not sure if this is just a rest animation, or part of some mechanic where Snake has limited stamina on the wall. I seems to remember Metal Gear Solid 2 gave players a very specific (and realistic) amount of hang time before Snake/Raiden would lose their grip and plummet to their death. Little known fact: players…
Yes, I'll raise my intimacy level with Quiet and take her on different missions.... Date missions at the beach, with naked outfit... Knock her out and crawl on her and call the codec that sort of stuff.
They still have a deal with Nintendo. No number series on PlayStation platforms :/
Vita version is coming. BUT it's MHF. Trollolololo. It's obvious Capcom had a deal with Nintendo.
You mean like MHO? That China exclusive BS? Huehuehuehue. Wait, that's not how Chinese laugh sounds like.
Great points good sir. But I disagree the fact that you think knowing if a monster is weakened or not is "not much point in telling". Observation of all details on the monster is the most important skill on being a good hunter. From visual que to audio ones they're all very important, especially when you start…
Yeah these old screen shots don't do the game justice at all. It looks great on my 3DS. But I never play with the 3D function on though... It really impairs my hunting ability lol.
Don't like it? Go play God Eater then, see if that suits your taste better. There are also Freedom Wars and Toukiden. All of these have superior graphics due to hardware. I'm still sticking with MH.
Richard, you really need to let these people know that these are not the screenshots of your demo play. These are shots from the development phase and in game it looks a lot better on your 3DS screen! Also to not let any people think Goa Magura is a giant crab...
I'm glad they're bringing back Shogun Gizami, not…
Dude, imagine how meta this game will be if the switch between worlds this time is through the character putting on a VR system. And in instance you have to play in first person because of the VR option.
You mean Balloon Kidnap Simulator? Seriously you should go check out the game-play video, anything can be fulton extracted, ANYTHING.
At least you can be sure your head is pretty covered. You don't want to be that guy that gets caught skipping work to play Oneechanbara at TGS.
He won't do the full 30 years relax. I'd say 5 years max until he's on parole. Still fucked his life over though.
Minor corrections:
(1) At first the soldiers shouted 'contact', assuming they're implying military use.
(2) After the 1st soldier says there she is, another says "Surround her!"
(3) It was Big Boss who said "put her into the cell"
(4) It was Miller who wanted to warn Big Boss to be caution about the woman, he did not say…
Also, bring a bunch of friends with you. I always brings at least two, one for over-watch, one right beside. I have exception for the house rule though, since I lived in a huge house (ghetto) with no less than 4 dudes at any time. It's funny because most of the people were really hesitant to come inside lol.